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Blog & Articles

5 Ways To Avoid Fraud

Fraud is one of the more serious criminal offenses with which a person can be charged.   In many cases fraud is financially driven because it can provide a profit for the assumed perpetrator. What Is Fraud? Essentially, fraud can be considered a misrepresentation and intentional deception by one person onto another for either personal gain or to damage the alleged

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What is a "Qui Tam" Lawsuit

Any company that defrauds the federal government can be held accountable under the False Claims Act (FCA). The FCA imposes liability on persons or companies who defraud governmental programs furthermore this law includes a “qui tam” (pronounced “kee tam” or “kwee tam”) provision. What Is A Qui Tam Lawsuit? Qui tam lawsuits allow individuals who have knowledge of a person,

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EWG "Dirty Dozen" and "Clean 15"

Every year for the past 10 years, a non-profit advocacy agency called the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has released a list of the most-pesticide contaminated produce. The “Dirty Dozen”, part of the EWG’s yearly “Shoppers Guide to Pesticide in Produce” is compiled from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s data on 48 most commonly sold fruits and veggies with pesticide residue.

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Toxic Flame Retardants Found In Preschools

After collecting air and floor dusts samples from 40 child care centers, UC Berkeley researchers found toxic chemicals used to prevent clothes and furniture from catching fire in 100% of the samples collected. The Study According to Asa Brandman, the associate director of UC Berkeley’s Center for Environmental Research and Children’s Health and author of this study, “Child care environments

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Woman files breast cancer lawsuit linking Mother’s DES use in pregnancy

A woman who suffered breast cancer filed a lawsuit against the former manufacturers of a drug called Diethylstibestrol (DES). DES was a synthetic estrogen given to women as pills, topical creams and other forms, and was in use from the 1940’s until the 1971 recall. The DES breast cancer lawsuit names numerous defendants, including Johnson & Johnson, Eil Lilly, Sanofi-Aventis, Abbott,

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Information for Whistleblowers: 5 Agencies to Report Corporate Fraud

The legal definition of corporate fraud is when an individual or company conducts business dishonestly and in an illegal manner. The term white-collar crime describes offenses that are committed by using fraudulent schemes. The most common types are crimes involving embezzlement, forgery, theft, money laundering and insurance scams. These crimes are often difficult to prevent and catch because the perpetrators

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Do You Need an SSI Attorney? Contact Sadaka Associates

Are you a disabled worker who suffers from a condition that prevents you from performing your best at the workplace? If so, you may qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). If you are considering applying for social security benefits, it’s important that you consider contacting a good SSI attorney to help you win your claim.

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Grilled Food and Diabetes

Some would say there is nothing like a hot steak off the grill. Some would agree that some of the best times in their summer are spent at a cook out with family. However, based on new research you may want to limit yourself to grilled foods, as research has proven that foods cooked without water or moisture are linked

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Filing an SSI Claim for Diabetes

Diabetes is when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin to process glucose. Symptoms of both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes include: frequent urination, unusual thirst and hunger and extreme fatigue. Those with type 2 diabetes can also suffer from tingling or numbness in the hands and feet, frequent infections and slow healing cuts and sores. Major complications from

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Chlorpyrifos Insecticide More Harmful to Boys’ Brains than Girls’

A widely used farm pesticide, formerly used inside homes, appears to harm boys’ developing brains more than girls’, according to a new study of children in New York City. The study is the first to find gender differences in how the chlorpyrifos insecticide harms prenatal development. Scientists say the finding adds to evidence that boys’ brains may be more vulnerable

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Filing an SSI Claim for Peripheral Vascular Disease

Peripheral vascular disease — also known as peripheral artery occlusive disease and peripheral artery disease — is common circulatory problem in which narrowed arteries reduce blood flow to your limbs. PAD causes your extremities – usually the legs – to not receive enough blood flow to keep up with demand, causing notable leg pain while walking. Intermittent claudication symptoms include

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Laundry Pods Danger: Kids Eating Detergent Packs

Anyone that has had or currently has an infant or toddler around their home knows just how important it is to baby proof everything. Little fingers and toes love to explore every fascinating thing they greet along the way. But, unfortunately danger looms around every corner, and it is important that we as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends be

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Common Household Chemical May Be Cause of Cardiovascular Disease

Chemicals that are used to manufacture and produce products that we use in our daily lives are constantly being linked to various health conditions and troubles. You may already know this, as we have previously written of the dangers of bisphenol A, better known as BPA, a common chemical ingredient in plastics and food-can linings, etc. Now, another chemical may

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Filing an SSI Claim for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that leads to an increased risk of fracture due to weak bones. Your bones become so brittle that even mild stresses like bending over, coughing or sneezing can cause a fracture. It’s thought of as an older person’s disease but it can strike anyone – at any age. If you or your loved one has

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People With Severe Psoriasis at Twice the Risk of New-Onset Diabetes

If you are having trouble with Psoriasis, did you know that you are more than 50% more likely to develop diabetes than someone with the chronic skin disorder?  According to a large study, unfortunately the two conditions are linked, and in fact the skin disorder may raise the risk of diabetes.  And, it’s even worse if your skin disorder is

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Apply for SSI – Filing a Claim for Mental Impairments

A claim for SSI benefits under Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for a mental disability or impairment can be granted as long as medical evidence can be provided to prove it. To apply for ssi, you must prove that you’re disabled from performing past relevant work for at least 12 months and that there are no alternative occupations that you’re able

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Poison Help – What To Do and Who To Call

Poisoning can happen in numerous ways. Ingesting a poisonous substance or inhaling dangerous fumes are two common means of poisoning. In some cases, you may not know that a person was exposed to a poisonous substance. It is important to know the signs and symptoms of poisoning as well as what to do if you suspect poisoning of any type.

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Calculating SSI Benefits for the Self-Employed

When you calculate your earnings regarding self-employment, the Social Security Administration (SSA) counts Net Earnings from Self Employment (NESE), which is your gross receipts minus your business expenses x .9235; therefore a portion of your net earnings count in determining your income from self-employment. The SSA will work with you to project your average earnings from self-employment over the calendar

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5 Ways To Avoid Fraud

Fraud is one of the more serious criminal offenses with which a person can be charged.   In many cases fraud is financially driven because it can provide a profit for the assumed perpetrator. What Is Fraud? Essentially, fraud can be considered a misrepresentation and intentional deception by one person onto another for either personal gain or to damage the alleged

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What is a "Qui Tam" Lawsuit

Any company that defrauds the federal government can be held accountable under the False Claims Act (FCA). The FCA imposes liability on persons or companies who defraud governmental programs furthermore this law includes a “qui tam” (pronounced “kee tam” or “kwee tam”) provision. What Is A Qui Tam Lawsuit? Qui tam lawsuits allow individuals who have knowledge of a person,

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EWG "Dirty Dozen" and "Clean 15"

Every year for the past 10 years, a non-profit advocacy agency called the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has released a list of the most-pesticide contaminated produce. The “Dirty Dozen”, part of the EWG’s yearly “Shoppers Guide to Pesticide in Produce” is compiled from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s data on 48 most commonly sold fruits and veggies with pesticide residue.

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Toxic Flame Retardants Found In Preschools

After collecting air and floor dusts samples from 40 child care centers, UC Berkeley researchers found toxic chemicals used to prevent clothes and furniture from catching fire in 100% of the samples collected. The Study According to Asa Brandman, the associate director of UC Berkeley’s Center for Environmental Research and Children’s Health and author of this study, “Child care environments

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Woman files breast cancer lawsuit linking Mother’s DES use in pregnancy

A woman who suffered breast cancer filed a lawsuit against the former manufacturers of a drug called Diethylstibestrol (DES). DES was a synthetic estrogen given to women as pills, topical creams and other forms, and was in use from the 1940’s until the 1971 recall. The DES breast cancer lawsuit names numerous defendants, including Johnson & Johnson, Eil Lilly, Sanofi-Aventis, Abbott,

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Information for Whistleblowers: 5 Agencies to Report Corporate Fraud

The legal definition of corporate fraud is when an individual or company conducts business dishonestly and in an illegal manner. The term white-collar crime describes offenses that are committed by using fraudulent schemes. The most common types are crimes involving embezzlement, forgery, theft, money laundering and insurance scams. These crimes are often difficult to prevent and catch because the perpetrators

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Do You Need an SSI Attorney? Contact Sadaka Associates

Are you a disabled worker who suffers from a condition that prevents you from performing your best at the workplace? If so, you may qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). If you are considering applying for social security benefits, it’s important that you consider contacting a good SSI attorney to help you win your claim.

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Grilled Food and Diabetes

Some would say there is nothing like a hot steak off the grill. Some would agree that some of the best times in their summer are spent at a cook out with family. However, based on new research you may want to limit yourself to grilled foods, as research has proven that foods cooked without water or moisture are linked

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Filing an SSI Claim for Diabetes

Diabetes is when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin to process glucose. Symptoms of both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes include: frequent urination, unusual thirst and hunger and extreme fatigue. Those with type 2 diabetes can also suffer from tingling or numbness in the hands and feet, frequent infections and slow healing cuts and sores. Major complications from

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Chlorpyrifos Insecticide More Harmful to Boys’ Brains than Girls’

A widely used farm pesticide, formerly used inside homes, appears to harm boys’ developing brains more than girls’, according to a new study of children in New York City. The study is the first to find gender differences in how the chlorpyrifos insecticide harms prenatal development. Scientists say the finding adds to evidence that boys’ brains may be more vulnerable

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Filing an SSI Claim for Peripheral Vascular Disease

Peripheral vascular disease — also known as peripheral artery occlusive disease and peripheral artery disease — is common circulatory problem in which narrowed arteries reduce blood flow to your limbs. PAD causes your extremities – usually the legs – to not receive enough blood flow to keep up with demand, causing notable leg pain while walking. Intermittent claudication symptoms include

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Laundry Pods Danger: Kids Eating Detergent Packs

Anyone that has had or currently has an infant or toddler around their home knows just how important it is to baby proof everything. Little fingers and toes love to explore every fascinating thing they greet along the way. But, unfortunately danger looms around every corner, and it is important that we as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends be

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Common Household Chemical May Be Cause of Cardiovascular Disease

Chemicals that are used to manufacture and produce products that we use in our daily lives are constantly being linked to various health conditions and troubles. You may already know this, as we have previously written of the dangers of bisphenol A, better known as BPA, a common chemical ingredient in plastics and food-can linings, etc. Now, another chemical may

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Filing an SSI Claim for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that leads to an increased risk of fracture due to weak bones. Your bones become so brittle that even mild stresses like bending over, coughing or sneezing can cause a fracture. It’s thought of as an older person’s disease but it can strike anyone – at any age. If you or your loved one has

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People With Severe Psoriasis at Twice the Risk of New-Onset Diabetes

If you are having trouble with Psoriasis, did you know that you are more than 50% more likely to develop diabetes than someone with the chronic skin disorder?  According to a large study, unfortunately the two conditions are linked, and in fact the skin disorder may raise the risk of diabetes.  And, it’s even worse if your skin disorder is

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Apply for SSI – Filing a Claim for Mental Impairments

A claim for SSI benefits under Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for a mental disability or impairment can be granted as long as medical evidence can be provided to prove it. To apply for ssi, you must prove that you’re disabled from performing past relevant work for at least 12 months and that there are no alternative occupations that you’re able

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Poison Help – What To Do and Who To Call

Poisoning can happen in numerous ways. Ingesting a poisonous substance or inhaling dangerous fumes are two common means of poisoning. In some cases, you may not know that a person was exposed to a poisonous substance. It is important to know the signs and symptoms of poisoning as well as what to do if you suspect poisoning of any type.

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Calculating SSI Benefits for the Self-Employed

When you calculate your earnings regarding self-employment, the Social Security Administration (SSA) counts Net Earnings from Self Employment (NESE), which is your gross receipts minus your business expenses x .9235; therefore a portion of your net earnings count in determining your income from self-employment. The SSA will work with you to project your average earnings from self-employment over the calendar

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5 Ways To Avoid Fraud

Fraud is one of the more serious criminal offenses with which a person can be charged.   In many cases fraud is financially driven because it can provide a profit for the assumed perpetrator. What Is Fraud? Essentially, fraud can be considered a misrepresentation and intentional deception by one person onto another for either personal gain or to damage the alleged

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What is a "Qui Tam" Lawsuit

Any company that defrauds the federal government can be held accountable under the False Claims Act (FCA). The FCA imposes liability on persons or companies who defraud governmental programs furthermore this law includes a “qui tam” (pronounced “kee tam” or “kwee tam”) provision. What Is A Qui Tam Lawsuit? Qui tam lawsuits allow individuals who have knowledge of a person,

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EWG "Dirty Dozen" and "Clean 15"

Every year for the past 10 years, a non-profit advocacy agency called the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has released a list of the most-pesticide contaminated produce. The “Dirty Dozen”, part of the EWG’s yearly “Shoppers Guide to Pesticide in Produce” is compiled from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s data on 48 most commonly sold fruits and veggies with pesticide residue.

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Toxic Flame Retardants Found In Preschools

After collecting air and floor dusts samples from 40 child care centers, UC Berkeley researchers found toxic chemicals used to prevent clothes and furniture from catching fire in 100% of the samples collected. The Study According to Asa Brandman, the associate director of UC Berkeley’s Center for Environmental Research and Children’s Health and author of this study, “Child care environments

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Woman files breast cancer lawsuit linking Mother’s DES use in pregnancy

A woman who suffered breast cancer filed a lawsuit against the former manufacturers of a drug called Diethylstibestrol (DES). DES was a synthetic estrogen given to women as pills, topical creams and other forms, and was in use from the 1940’s until the 1971 recall. The DES breast cancer lawsuit names numerous defendants, including Johnson & Johnson, Eil Lilly, Sanofi-Aventis, Abbott,

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Information for Whistleblowers: 5 Agencies to Report Corporate Fraud

The legal definition of corporate fraud is when an individual or company conducts business dishonestly and in an illegal manner. The term white-collar crime describes offenses that are committed by using fraudulent schemes. The most common types are crimes involving embezzlement, forgery, theft, money laundering and insurance scams. These crimes are often difficult to prevent and catch because the perpetrators

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Do You Need an SSI Attorney? Contact Sadaka Associates

Are you a disabled worker who suffers from a condition that prevents you from performing your best at the workplace? If so, you may qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). If you are considering applying for social security benefits, it’s important that you consider contacting a good SSI attorney to help you win your claim.

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Grilled Food and Diabetes

Some would say there is nothing like a hot steak off the grill. Some would agree that some of the best times in their summer are spent at a cook out with family. However, based on new research you may want to limit yourself to grilled foods, as research has proven that foods cooked without water or moisture are linked

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Filing an SSI Claim for Diabetes

Diabetes is when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin to process glucose. Symptoms of both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes include: frequent urination, unusual thirst and hunger and extreme fatigue. Those with type 2 diabetes can also suffer from tingling or numbness in the hands and feet, frequent infections and slow healing cuts and sores. Major complications from

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Chlorpyrifos Insecticide More Harmful to Boys’ Brains than Girls’

A widely used farm pesticide, formerly used inside homes, appears to harm boys’ developing brains more than girls’, according to a new study of children in New York City. The study is the first to find gender differences in how the chlorpyrifos insecticide harms prenatal development. Scientists say the finding adds to evidence that boys’ brains may be more vulnerable

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Filing an SSI Claim for Peripheral Vascular Disease

Peripheral vascular disease — also known as peripheral artery occlusive disease and peripheral artery disease — is common circulatory problem in which narrowed arteries reduce blood flow to your limbs. PAD causes your extremities – usually the legs – to not receive enough blood flow to keep up with demand, causing notable leg pain while walking. Intermittent claudication symptoms include

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Laundry Pods Danger: Kids Eating Detergent Packs

Anyone that has had or currently has an infant or toddler around their home knows just how important it is to baby proof everything. Little fingers and toes love to explore every fascinating thing they greet along the way. But, unfortunately danger looms around every corner, and it is important that we as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends be

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Common Household Chemical May Be Cause of Cardiovascular Disease

Chemicals that are used to manufacture and produce products that we use in our daily lives are constantly being linked to various health conditions and troubles. You may already know this, as we have previously written of the dangers of bisphenol A, better known as BPA, a common chemical ingredient in plastics and food-can linings, etc. Now, another chemical may

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Filing an SSI Claim for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that leads to an increased risk of fracture due to weak bones. Your bones become so brittle that even mild stresses like bending over, coughing or sneezing can cause a fracture. It’s thought of as an older person’s disease but it can strike anyone – at any age. If you or your loved one has

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People With Severe Psoriasis at Twice the Risk of New-Onset Diabetes

If you are having trouble with Psoriasis, did you know that you are more than 50% more likely to develop diabetes than someone with the chronic skin disorder?  According to a large study, unfortunately the two conditions are linked, and in fact the skin disorder may raise the risk of diabetes.  And, it’s even worse if your skin disorder is

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Apply for SSI – Filing a Claim for Mental Impairments

A claim for SSI benefits under Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for a mental disability or impairment can be granted as long as medical evidence can be provided to prove it. To apply for ssi, you must prove that you’re disabled from performing past relevant work for at least 12 months and that there are no alternative occupations that you’re able

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Poison Help – What To Do and Who To Call

Poisoning can happen in numerous ways. Ingesting a poisonous substance or inhaling dangerous fumes are two common means of poisoning. In some cases, you may not know that a person was exposed to a poisonous substance. It is important to know the signs and symptoms of poisoning as well as what to do if you suspect poisoning of any type.

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Calculating SSI Benefits for the Self-Employed

When you calculate your earnings regarding self-employment, the Social Security Administration (SSA) counts Net Earnings from Self Employment (NESE), which is your gross receipts minus your business expenses x .9235; therefore a portion of your net earnings count in determining your income from self-employment. The SSA will work with you to project your average earnings from self-employment over the calendar

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