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Highly Toxic PCB’s Found In East Chicago’s Harbor And Canal

In a recent article found at Medical News Today, according to a newly published study there are high levels of toxic polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) that were discovered by a group of University of Iowa researchers in the Indiana Harbor and Ship Canal (IHSC). The group found the high levels of PCBs in the deep sediments lining the IHSC in East

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Acteaminophen Linked To Liver Failure

Liver Fast Facts: Acetaminophen Use and Liver Injury An estimated 500 deaths per year are attributed to suicidal or unintentional overdoses of acetaminophen as well as more than 50,000 emergency room visits. This is the most common form of acute liver failure observed in the United States today. While some are intentional at least 50% of these are unintentional, that

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OsmoPrep Lawsuits For Kidney Damage

First Alerted In 2006, when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) first became aware of recorded cases of acute phosphate nephropathy, consumers and health care professionals alike were alerted to the relevant dangers. While these reports are rare, they are indeed serious. At the time, patients were being prescribed Osmoprep, the oral sodium phosphate (OSP) used for cleaning the bowels

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Yaz, Yasmin Raise Blood Clot Risk

We have all heard the risk for developing blood clots if we take birth control pills, or other forms of contraceptives. But how much of a risk is now under investigation. There are studies being done that many say are shocking. An article written by Kristen Hallam on April 21, 2011 states “Birth-control pills with Drospirenone raise clot risk in

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Groundwater Contamination: Sources And Signs Of Exposure

Groundwater contamination occurs when man-made products such as gasoline, oil, road salts and chemicals get into the groundwater and cause it to become unsafe and unfit for human use. Some of the major sources of these products, called contaminants, are storage tanks, septic systems, hazardous waste sites, landfills, and the widespread use of road salts, fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals.

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How To Identify Recalled Products

Many times we hear of breaking news informing us that there are certain lots of foods that have been recalled or contaminated, but it’s never really been that easy to identify if you have an affected product or not. But this is not the case anymore. As of April 4, 2011 consumers can search for food and other product recalls

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Scam Alert: Credit Card Interest Rate Reductions

So imagine getting a phone call from a telemarketer stating that they can reduce your credit card’s interest rate…sounds great doesn’t it? Don’t get your hopes up yet. In an article listed on the Federal Trade Commissions website, dated February 2011, the FTC has issued a Consumer Alert warning regarding this very scam.

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Mortgage Foreclosure Scams

The possibility of losing your home to foreclosure can be terrifying. The reality that scam artists are preying on the desperate homeowners is equally frightening. Many so-called foreclosure rescue companies or foreclosure assistance firms claim they can help you save your home. Some are brazen enough to offer a money-back guarantee. Unfortunately, once most of these foreclosure fraudsters take your

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National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

Everyone has heard of the risk for having vaccinations. But what happens when they go wrong and you or your loved one ends up sick from it? Can you get help with medical bills, expenses, etc?  The answer may be yes. The Health Resources and Service Administration’s website states that on October 1, 1988, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act

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The Government Accountability Project

Founded in 1977, The Government Accountability Project is the nation’s leading whistleblower protection and advocacy organization. Located in Washington, D.C., GAP is a nonpartisan, public interest group. In addition to focusing on whistleblower support in our stated program areas, they lead campaigns to enact whistleblower protection laws both domestically and internationally. GAP also conducts an accredited legal clinic for law students,

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Zimmer Knee Implant Subject To New Investigation

Sen. Grassley sent a letter to Zimmer Holdings requesting documents and other data in response to a recent article in the New York Times. That article contained allegations that Zimmer’s knee replacement device has a high failure rate. Read the New York Times article here. July 29, 2010 Via Electronic Transmission David C. Dvorak President and Chief Executive Officer Zimmer

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Roundup Herbicide: Is It Really Safe?

It is Spring time and many are preparing their fields for their crops. They spray for weeds, till the ground and plant the seeds. They use a product, Roundup, that has been used since 1974, and never think twice about it potentially hurting their crops. Yet, in a recent plea to the Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, Dr. Don Huber,

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