You have a limited time
to file a claim.

4 Myths About Personal Injury Claims


There are plenty of myths out there about personal injury claims. Everyone has heard them, and sometimes, they’re enough to make you think twice about filing your own claim. Let’s bust a few of those myths, so you can feel confident about filing your claim.

Myth #1: Personal injury claims are frivolous lawsuits.

We’ve all heard the story about the woman who was burned by hot coffee and sued. People believe we’re living in a trigger-happy world where people are unwilling to take personal responsibility and want to sue any time something happens to them.

The truth is, most people who file personal injury claims have suffered legitimate injuries in an accident caused by the negligence of another. Consider the fact that many personal injury attorneys take cases on a contingency basis, meaning they get paid only if they win. Would they do that if the cases were typically frivolous? Of course not.

Myth #2: You can take your time to decide if you want to sue.

While you don’t have to file a lawsuit the second an accident happens, you don’t necessarily have a ton of time to do so, either. All states have a statute of limitations, or a clock that counts down your time to file a lawsuit. Once that clock runs out of time, you can’t file your lawsuit anymore. Therefore, it is important that you not waste a lot of time trying to decide whether or not to file a lawsuit.

Myth #3: Your lawyer can tell you how much you’ll win.

Any lawyer who gives you an exact figure and a guarantee that you’ll win is lying to you. Your lawyer can look at your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, etc. He or she can then give you a rough estimate of how much you should ask for, and how much you can hope to win. But they cannot make any guarantees, and if they do, you should find another lawyer.

Each case is unique, and compensation is based on the facts of each individual case.

Myth #4: You don’t need a lawyer.

You can file your own lawsuit without a lawyer, but you’re gambling if you do. You’ll be dealing with insurance companies, lawyers, and others who are skilled and experienced in dealing with lawsuits like yours. They know the laws, and they know if they can drag things out long enough, you might settle just to be done.

By hiring a lawyer, you ensure that you have someone on your side. Your lawyer will be as familiar with the laws as the other parties, and will have the skills and experience to fight for your rights. Your lawyer will also be able to give you advice on when to consider settling, when to go to court, and many other aspects of your case that you may not know exactly what to do with on your own.

Keep in mind that your injuries may seem minor at first, but could later become major. Your lawyer can help you make sure that you get the money you need to cover your injuries now, as well as the potential future bills that could result from them.

Personal injury claims are complex, confusing lawsuits with a lot of details and rules. It’s important to separate the myth from the reality of the situation. If you have a personal injury claim, you should seek the advice of a qualified personal injury attorney as soon as possible to ensure that your rights are represented and that you’re able to file your lawsuit before the statute of limitations runs out.

Learn more about Personal Injury Lawsuits.



Principal & Founder
This article was written by Mark Sadaka, a seasoned trial lawyer in nationally significant cases. He fearlessly champions clients impacted by fatal or severe injuries caused by others or corporations. Renowned for his expertise in complex litigation, he's featured in books, sought after by media for interviews, and a highly sought speaker. Notably, he exclusively represents individuals facing life-changing injuries or substantial financial losses.

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If you’ve been injured by a person, product, or corporation, please contact the team at Sadaka Law today.