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What are Common Back Injuries From Car Accident?

Many people walk through the doors of The Law Offices of Sadaka Associates with the same question: is it possible to seek reparations for injuries after a road accident? Though we often take it for granted, vehicular accidents are a leading cause of death and injury in New York, New Jersey, and the surrounding areas. Approximately 137,000 people visit a hospital due to injury from a car accident each year in New York state alone.

Spinal cord injuries are common complaints after a traffic collision, even for relatively minor crashes. Damage to these sensitive areas of the body can have a long-lasting impact on the person’s health and quality of life, whether they are the driver, passenger, or passerby. The back and neck absorb the brunt of the force in a collision, and there are various types of injuries that can happen at different speeds, angles, and sitting positions.

Severe injuries from automobile collisions are also potentially costly, and insurance companies are unhelpful. The industry is notorious for attempting to reduce the compensation that insured clients receive from these accidents, and robust legal representation is crucial. Back injuries can be serious, and it is far easier to seek treatment and focus on recovery when the legal aspects of the case are running smoothly.

If you have found yourself suffering from a back injury due to an automobile collision, remember that you do not have to navigate the complex legal system alone; contact the Law Offices of Sadaka and Associates for a consultation. The right support from a team like Sadaka Associates can make a huge difference in the reparations after a devastating automobile accident.

Below, our legal professionals have put together some more information about common back injuries from a car accident and how to handle the process that may follow.

Types of Back Injuries Caused by Automobile Collisions.

The human spinal system is a complex part of the body that governs many of the daily actions we rarely consider. The system consists of thirty-three separate vertebrae with muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves surrounding each one. The vertebrae comprise three distinct sections that make up the entirety of the spine—the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae.

  • the cervical vertebrae refer to the bones in the neck,
  • the thoracic vertebrae refer to the upper back
  • the lumbar vertebrae refer to the lower back

All three of these areas are sensitive to impact and feature common injuries as the result of automobile accidents. Back injuries from traffic collisions range in severity, from minor to debilitating pain. They also significantly impact the quality of life for those who suffer from severe damage.

Common back injuries that occur due to automobile collisions in New York and New Jersey include:

  • Muscle sprains and strains
  • Whiplash injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Degenerative disc injury
  • Lumbar spine injury
  • Thoracic spine injury

Muscle Sprains and Strains

woman having muscle sprains

The impact that occurs with automobile accidents can cause severe strain on muscles, tendons, and ligaments within the spinal cord. When damage occurs to this part of the back, accident victims often feel mild to severe pain that needs immediate medical attention. Sprains are not as severe as other injuries, but our clients describe a constant state of discomfort that negatively impacts their daily routines.

Mild muscle strains heal with anti-inflammatory medication, heating pads, or ice packs. However, it is not uncommon for these injuries to require ongoing medical attention and physical therapy.

Whiplash Injuries

The chief injury for people involved in car accidents results from whiplash. These types of injuries occur when the individual sustains a force from a collision to the vehicle’s rear or side that applies disproportionate pressure to the spinal column. The force pushes the body forward, causing the neck to move back and forth too quickly and tensing the cervical vertebrae.

The pain from mild cases of whiplash might need over-the-counter pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medication, heating pads, and ice packs. However, it is not uncommon to require continuous medical attention for whiplash injuries, and chronic neck pain could last for years.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Sudden and powerful impacts due to automobile collisions could potentially lead to a severe injury that disables the driver or passengers involved. Spinal cord injuries are dangerous for many reasons, but permanent paralysis or disability are some of the worst cases for the families involved. Automobile accidents are also the more common cause of spinal cord injuries in younger people, with even minor injuries causing chronic pain, infections, or blood clots without prompt treatment.

Degenerative Disc Injury

While degenerative disc disease is primarily age-related, automobile collisions can exacerbate this condition due to injury to the impacted area. Within the spinal cord’s vertebrae, discs provide stability to the rest of the body. When these discs slip out of place, they apply pressure to sensitive nerves resulting in tremendous pain and discomfort.

A degenerative disease like this occurs most commonly in older adults as the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in this part of the body atrophy. When further injuries occur, like after car accidents, medication and surgery are common treatments.

Lumbar Spine Injury

Damage to the lumbar vertebrae in the lower back can cause intense pain and discomfort. This section of the spine houses prominent vertebrae in the spinal column and is more sensitive to impact or strain. Due to the larger size of these vertebrae in comparison to other areas, the muscles in the lower back are also the largest so that they can provide stability and support.

Damage to the lumbar vertebrae after automobile accidents is potentially dangerous to the spinal column as a whole and requires thorough and immediate examination by a medical professional. Many of the people seeking assistance from The Law Offices of Sadaka Associates mention experiencing swelling, intense pain, and extreme lack of mobility due to discomfort. Our legal professionals aim to support them in any way we can to ensure their right to health and wellness is upheld by New York’s courts.

Thoracic Spine Injury

The middle and upper back (between the lumbar and neck) carries the highest risk of severe damage as a result of an automobile collision. The rib cage protection is part of what makes this a sensitive area for injury. When damage does occur, the effects are often permanent and lead to nerve damage and partial or complete paralysis.

What are the Symptoms of Accident-related Spinal Injury?

As an experienced legal team that sees myriad clients with spinal injuries seeking help and support, The Law Offices of Sadaka Associates strongly recommends seeing a doctor immediately after a vehicle accident. Spinal injuries are extremely common for individuals who are involved in auto collisions. However, some drivers do not feel pain in this area until days later, and failure to manage these injuries promptly has disastrous consequences, including paralysis, numbness, and even fatal clotting disorders.

Common symptoms of spinal injury include:

  • Moderate or severe pain
  • Pain in the buttocks and legs
  • General stiffness
  • Numbing or tingling sensations in the body’s extremities
  • Difficulty walking or standing
  • Muscle spasms

Even if you do not experience the above systems, it is crucial to consult with a medical professional after a vehicle accident to be sure that you are alright; your quality of life may depend on it.

What to Do For Back Pain After an Auto Collision

consulting an attorney after a car accident

A person’s spinal column is especially vulnerable during auto collisions due to its complex structure of discs, nerves, muscles, bones, and tendons. It serves many functions, from helping us stand to carrying information from the brain to every other part of the body. The sudden and violent impact of car accidents puts all of this in danger, and we encourage you to see a medical professional immediately following this type of event.

Treat it quickly, and then contact our personal injury attorney. Filing an insurance claim for an injury automobile collision is easier with our extensive knowledge base at your fingertips. We can walk you through the insurance policy and practices and lend support in the insurance process where a firm, professional touch garners better outcomes.

How the Law Handles Back Injuries After Vehicle Collisions

Injuries sustained in an auto collision require many considerations, including medical expenses, income lost, and pain and suffering. Depending on the severity of the spinal injury, the bills can mount quickly. A dedicated personal injury attorney like ours makes it easier to decide what you need to help you recover and go through the motions that will help you get there.

Even mild pain in the back after a car collision is worth your attention. It can lead to severe medical trauma that includes permanent disabling, paralysis, or death if left untreated. See a doctor whether you are in pain or not, and safeguard your future.

Seeking the advice of a medical doctor also provides evidence that treatment is necessary to remedy back pain or injury and prevent the condition from deteriorating in a life-threatening situation. It aids in establishing a claim for the insurance company as these channels typically need copious medically related documentation to legitimize your application.

Are you suffering from back pain after an automobile accident? Contact the Law Offices of Sadaka Associates at 1-(800) 810-3457 today and speak to our legal professionals in New York or New Jersey.



Principal & Founder
This article was written by Mark Sadaka, a seasoned trial lawyer in nationally significant cases. He fearlessly champions clients impacted by fatal or severe injuries caused by others or corporations. Renowned for his expertise in complex litigation, he's featured in books, sought after by media for interviews, and a highly sought speaker. Notably, he exclusively represents individuals facing life-changing injuries or substantial financial losses.

Injured? Get Help Now.

If you’ve been injured by a person, product, or corporation, please contact the team at Sadaka Law today.