You have a limited time
to file a claim.

What is the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program?

Everyone knows the benefits of receiving vaccinations – but what about the side effects? What happens when they go wrong and you or your child gets sick from receiving a routine vaccination? Vaccine injury claims are not like traditional personal injury claims; they require a lawyer admitted to the vaccine court in Washington, DC. Our vaccine injury lawyers have represented hundreds of clients injured by vaccines from around the country.

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Hi, my name is Mark Sadaka, founder of Sadaka Associates. I’m a trial attorney with a focus on medical litigation that has handled over 175 vaccination cases since 2005. I’m one of the few attorneys that has over 10 years of experience in these medically complicated cases. It is my personal belief that the only way we can prevent vaccine injury is through education. That’s why I created the Vaccine Injury Help Center to inform the public about the risks of vaccine side effects. I want to start by discussing personal injury claims because they’re similar to vaccine injury claims.


Personal injury claim is filed with a insurance company before a lawsuit is considered. The claims process is a series of negotiations between the injured party and the insurance company’s claim adjuster. Hopefully, the negotiations result in a compromise settlement payment where both parties are satisfied.


Unfortunately, if the negotiation process between the injured party and the insurance company’s claim adjuster breaks down and a compromise can’t be reached, then a personal injury lawsuit will be filed. A breakdown can occur if a claims adjuster denies that the insurer*was at fault for doesn’t agree with the severity of the injured party’s injuries or the monetary amount they are demanding. When claim negotiations hit a wall, the next step is a lawsuit.


Vaccine injury claims are different than standard personal injury lawsuits. For instance, if you’re injured by an individual driving a vehicle, you can file a personal injury lawsuit in a local court. However, if you’re injured by a vaccine, you must file your claim with the vaccine court located in Washington DC. Any lawyer that is licensed to practice in your state could represent you in a personal injury lawsuit.


But a vaccine injury claim, you can only be represented by a lawyer that is admitted into the vaccine court. In a vaccine injury claim, the manufacturer of the vaccine that caused the injury is not part of the claim. In a vaccine injury court, the government steps in for the drug companies that manufacture the vaccines. The process of filing a lawsuit against a vaccine manufacturer can be lengthy and complicated. I plan to cover this process completely in a future view of its own. So if this topic is near and dear to you, be sure to check my website for more information.


Thank you for taking the time to learn about the Vaccine Injury Help Center. If you would like to learn more about vaccines, vaccine injuries or the compensation program, please visit our website: or call us at 1-800-810-3457.




Principal & Founder
This article was written by Mark Sadaka, a seasoned trial lawyer in nationally significant cases. He fearlessly champions clients impacted by fatal or severe injuries caused by others or corporations. Renowned for his expertise in complex litigation, he's featured in books, sought after by media for interviews, and a highly sought speaker. Notably, he exclusively represents individuals facing life-changing injuries or substantial financial losses.

Injured? Get Help Now.

If you’ve been injured by a person, product, or corporation, please contact the team at Sadaka Law today.