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Texas Father Fights Sudden Paralysis To Compete in Half Triathlon


In 2011, 44-year-old Trent Fielder from Burleson, Texas was about to drive home when he discovered that his leg could not operate the gas pedal. A few hours later, the recently new father of twins found himself paralyzed below the waist.

At a local hospital, doctors — after performing both a spinal tap and a CT scan — discovered Fielder had Guillain-Barré Syndrome. The disorder occurs when a person’s immune system mistakenly attacks the nervous system and paralyzes part or the entire body.

Guillain-Barré Syndrome is a rare condition, with less than 20,000 cases reported worldwide every year. Often, the condition appears after an infectious disease, such as the flu or an infection. The first symptoms are tingling and weakness in the arms and legs, which spreads quickly to other parts of the body.

Still, in 2018 — almost a full 7 years after being diagnosed — Fielder completed a half Ironman triathlon, consisting of more than 70 miles of swimming, cycling and running. Fielder credits years of physical therapy for restoring his mobility, and he hopes to inspire others with his story.

4 months after being diagnosed with Guillain-Barré, Fielder and his new family moved closer to his extended family. But his problems were just starting.

Soon, doctors diagnosed that he further had Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy. This neurological disorder often follows Guillain-Barré and causes progressive weakness in the extremities. In 2013, Fielder also had surgery, to relieve pain in his back. But this led to blood clots in one of his arteries.

Subsequently, he began a rehabilitation program, but this was not helping. Then, in 2014, he started physical therapy at a local care facility, where — during the course of the next two years — he focused on strengthening his upper back, his posture, and his core. In 2016, he became further motivated when he heard his young daughter pray that he could soon walk again.

Fielder then began pool therapy, and while he was able to feel both movement and sensations in his hips, he still did not have feeling in his legs.

Finally, he was able to take a few steps, albeit with his legs wrapped in golf balls, which were strapped to his legs using PVC pipe and tape. He then continued to make progress. First, he walked and swam with the aid of braces, and eventually he was able to walk without assistance.

Still, tests continue to show the presence of the disease, and he did not have reflexes. But he was getting stronger. So, in early 2018 he decided that he would compete in a half Ironman triathlon, and for 8 months he trained with a local nurse, who became his coach.

Fielder credits others for his success in training for the race. He says that he would have never been able to make it through all the pain if he had been doing it just for himself. Instead, every day he trained he did so while praying for others.

In October of 2018, Fielder finally turned his dreams into reality and competed in a half triathlon in New Orleans. When he finished the race, which he did entirely on his own, he fell to his knees and cried.

He next plans to participate in a 22-mile walk that he will complete in 22 hours. The event is sponsored by 22 Kill, which is a suicide prevention organization that focuses on both first responders and veterans. Then, after that, he plans to compete in a full Ironman, which consists of a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bicycle race and a 26.22-mile run. The event will take place in Waco.

If you or a loved one have been the victim of a vaccine injury, please contact the professionals at the Law Offices of Sadaka Associates.



Principal & Founder
This article was written by Mark Sadaka, a seasoned trial lawyer in nationally significant cases. He fearlessly champions clients impacted by fatal or severe injuries caused by others or corporations. Renowned for his expertise in complex litigation, he's featured in books, sought after by media for interviews, and a highly sought speaker. Notably, he exclusively represents individuals facing life-changing injuries or substantial financial losses.

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