You have a limited time
to file a claim.

What To Look For In Your Personal Injury Attorney


When individuals who have been injured in auto accidents, workplace accidents, slip and fall accidents in a store, or perhaps have been bitten by a dog are faced with these situations, they are filled with anxiety. Not only are they in need of medical treatment that may last a long period of time and add up to thousands of dollars, but they will also likely be unable to work, and face months of pain and suffering. Because of this, they are often in need of a personal injury attorney to assist them in filing a lawsuit to seek compensation for their injuries. However, like any occupation, all lawyers are not alike. Therefore, it’s important to know the traits to look for when hiring a personal injury attorney.

Personal Injury Experience

While any lawyer could be used to file a personal injury lawsuit, you would have a much greater chance of winning a case if you select a lawyer who specializes in personal injury cases. Since they will have years of experience and knowledge in these cases, they will know how to proceed from the outset. To put the odds in your favor even more, it’s often possible to select a personal injury attorney who specializes in specific types of cases, such as auto accidents, medical malpractice, or workplace accidents.

Personal Injury Team

In today’s world of attorneys, specialization is everything. As a result, many lawyers, particularly personal injury lawyers, often assemble a team of skilled professionals to assist them in their cases. This usually includes paralegals, investigators, and various medical professionals and others who can act as expert witnesses. By having a team to work with on their cases, personal injury attorneys can gather information much quicker, analyze key facts of a case, and create a legal strategy that can produce excellent results for their clients.

Skilled Negotiator

Since it’s estimated that over 90 percent of personal injury cases never make it to a courtroom, it’s important to select a personal injury attorney who is experienced in negotiating settlements with insurance companies and a defendant’s legal team. Due to the importance of this, always inquire about the attorney’s track record in negotiating settlements, and don’t hesitate to ask for details about previous settlements the attorney has obtained for clients.

Free Consultations

For many people who sustain serious injuries, they may hesitate to seek legal representation due to the misconception they will need hundreds or thousands of dollars upfront to pay an attorney. However, personal injury lawyers generally do not operate in this fashion. Instead, they offer free consultations for potential clients to discuss their cases prior to filing a lawsuit, and do not charge upfront fees. Instead, they get no money unless they win a case, in which they will take a percentage of the compensation that is granted to their client. Therefore, when seeking a personal injury attorney, always select one who operates in this manner.

Excellent Communication Skills

Once you hire a lawyer to represent you in a personal injury case, you are putting a tremendous amount of trust in this individual. Because of this, always make sure your attorney is an excellent communicator. Not only should they be able to explain the details of your case to you in an easy to understand manner, but they should also keep in touch with you on a regular basis to give you updates on the progress and and other key aspects of your case. By doing so, not only will you know how your case is proceeding, but you will also have peace of mind throughout the process. The attorneys at the Law Offices of Sadaka Associates are well-versed and specialized in personal injury lawsuits.  If you feel you have a case, call today for a free consultation.



Principal & Founder
This article was written by Mark Sadaka, a seasoned trial lawyer in nationally significant cases. He fearlessly champions clients impacted by fatal or severe injuries caused by others or corporations. Renowned for his expertise in complex litigation, he's featured in books, sought after by media for interviews, and a highly sought speaker. Notably, he exclusively represents individuals facing life-changing injuries or substantial financial losses.

Injured? Get Help Now.

If you’ve been injured by a person, product, or corporation, please contact the team at Sadaka Law today.