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Dangers of Pesticides Drive Organic Food Market

Organic food has been rising in popularity, and its no surprise why. “There is a growing consensus in the scientific community that small doses of pesticides and other chemicals can have adverse effects on health, especially during vulnerable periods such as fetal development and childhood,” reports author and physician Andrew Weil, a leading voice for so-called integrative medicine combining conventional

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Antiseptic Products Can Be Contaminated

Anytime you are going to get an injection at a doctor’s office, or your skin is broken in any way for a medical procedure, it is a customary practice to wipe the skin with an antiseptic towel. However, according to Health Day, although antiseptics are meant to keep bacteria and other pathogens from entering the body through breaks in the

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Common Policy Points

If a person seeking a benefits plan is not careful they could find themselves in an inadequate policy. Some providers have more options that cover short-term disability and others have more diverse policies concerning long-term disability. Each provider can cover similar aspects in terms of policy, but the exact limitation may range. What is covered in most plans Most providers

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man having back pain after car accident

What are Common Back Injuries From Car Accident?

Many people walk through the doors of The Law Offices of Sadaka Associates with the same question: is it possible to seek reparations for injuries after a road accident? Though we often take it for granted, vehicular accidents are a leading cause of death and injury in New York, New Jersey, and the surrounding areas. Approximately 137,000 people visit a

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construction accident involving a man falling in a stair

The 14 Most Common Accidents on Construction Sites

Construction jobs rank among the most dangerous jobs in the United States because everyday tasks put workers in more high-risk situations. As a result of being exposed to high-risk situations, there are more accidents on construction sites than in virtually any other job. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, because these jobs are more unstable, over one-quarter of construction

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new jersey car accident

Car Accident Lawsuit Threshold

In New Jersey most insurance policies have a lawsuit threshold that requires objective medical evidence of a serious personal injury before someone injured in a New Jersey car accident can file a lawsuit. New Jersey Car Accident Lawsuit Threshold Insurance companies who provide car insurance in New Jersey law generally offers car insurance with two very important options: Basic car

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Calculating SSI Benefits for the Self-Employed

When you calculate your earnings regarding self-employment, the Social Security Administration (SSA) counts Net Earnings from Self Employment (NESE), which is your gross receipts minus your business expenses x .9235; therefore a portion of your net earnings count in determining your income from self-employment. The SSA will work with you to project your average earnings from self-employment over the calendar

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How You Might Get Burned By Worker’s Comp Fraud

Worker’s compensation is designed to help those who are injured at work and lose their income as a result. It could be an employee who fell at work and needs several months of physical therapy to recover. If the employer cannot pay for the victim to spend months out of work, worker’s compensation is an insurance policy paid for by

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