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Clean Water Act Lawsuit Filed Against Orcutt Hill Oil Operation

A hazardous checmical lawsuit has been filed against Pacific Coast Energy Company LP. It alleges that the company has violated the Clean Water Act—a law passed in 1972 that aims to discharge all pollutants in the nation’s waters. The litigants claim that the company uses development and oil exploration techniques at its Orcutt Hill oil field operation that threaten endangered

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Jury Holds Monsanto’s Roundup Weed Killer Accountable For Man’s Cancer

Last Friday, a jury in San Francisco ordered Monsanto, an agribusiness giant, to pay almost $300 million to a man that formerly worked as a school groundskeeper, Dewayne Johnson, who is now dying of cancer. Johnson claimed Roundup week killer, one of Monsanto’s popular products, contributed to his cancer diagnosis. Johnson’s lawsuit is just the first among thousands of cases

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Processed Foods Dangerous To Children’s Health Doctors Warn

The American Academy of Pediatrics has expressed a growing concern about chemicals added to both food and food packaging. There are over 10,000 different chemicals that are legal to add to food or food packaging in the United States and 1,000 of those additives do not require the Food and Drug Administration’s approval for use. As some of these chemicals

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A Guide to Choosing Safer School Supplies

How safe are your child’s school supplies? It’s nearly back-to-school season, and soon parents all over the United States will be rushing to retail stores to purchase the items their children need for the upcoming school year. Amid this hectic season, it is easy to forget that not all products are as safe or well-made as others. In fact, some

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Unsafe Teething Products for Children

Teething can be a trying time for parents when their children appear to be experiencing a lot of pain. Naturally they want to be able to provide relief for them. However, some of the teething products that have been relied on for years, are now considered unsafe. One, that was first marketed in 1902, under the name Anästhesin is Benzocaine.

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Can Social Media Influencers be Held Liable for Defective Products?

Due to the growing influence of social media, more and more people are making a career out of advertising products to fans through social media. Though being an influencer on Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, or Snapchat might seem very casual, it actually falls under many legal regulations. An influencer who endorses a defective product can end up in many lawsuits. What

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Fear And Frustration Over EPA Move To Kill Chemical-Disaster Protections

When the White House changes from one occupant to another, there are policies that often change with them. The present administration is no exception. Trump and his team have moved to change many rules and regulations. One of the many changes the administration intends to make are changes in the laws that govern the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). New staffers

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Multi-state salmonella outbreak linked to Kellogg’s Honey Smacks cereal, CDC says

Salmonella is a highly infectious disease that can cause all sorts of physical problems. Many people who get infected with this virus will experience many terrible side effects including severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. It’s typically spread via infected water or food. This is why health authorities keep a careful watch over possible sources of contamination. They need to

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Apple Hit with Second Class Action Lawsuit Over Defective Keyboards in Recent MacBook, MacBook Pro Models

Apple was hit with a class action lawsuit in May over the design of its butterfly style keyboards featured on its MacBook and MacBook Pro models. The suit, filed in Northern California, complains about faulty key switches in the keyboards, specifically keys becoming stuck and virtually unusable, rendering the laptops themselves useless. The problem lies with the 2015 version of

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