You have a limited time
to file a claim.


an aggresive black dog barking

Learn More About Dog Bite Lawsuit Liability

Were you bitten by a dog recently? During your recovery, you might consider filing a dog bite injury claim to cover the medical bills, lost wages, and other costs you may be facing. According to the CDC, about 4.5 million Americans sustain dog bites each year, giving rise to almost 340,000 emergency room visits. Dog bite incidents also force nearly

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worker injured in a workplace

The Most Common Workplace Injuries

Work is the most common place people are injured. The public needs to know that they may have options outside of worker’s compensation. Although you may not be able to sue your employer directly, there maybe a “3rd party” claim available to you. Whether the injury is from a failure of safety equipment or from constant repetitive tasks like carpel

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man helping his coworker in construction accident

How Long Do I Have to Sue for Work-Related Injuries?

The deadline to file a workers’ compensation claim in both New Jersey and New York is two years. The clock starts ticking either on the date of your accident or on the date you reasonably should have known about the injury or illness that arose from your job. If you were hurt on the job, you can seek compensation through

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insurance agent explaining insurance policy

How To Dispute a False Insurance Claim

If you don’t have car insurance, you can sue the other party for fraudulent claims with the help of an attorney. If you do have one, your insurance company must defend you by providing legal counsel. Across the U.S., consumers file millions of auto insurance claims each day — but not all of them are legitimate. Insurance fraud is an

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car park on sidewalk involve in hit and run accident

The Penalty for a Hit-and-Run With No Injuries: What You Should Know

Car accidents are frightening events, even if no one sustains injuries. Perhaps someone hit another driver, and while the other vehicle sustains only minor damage, the at-fault party panics and flees. Or maybe someone hit a parked vehicle and drove away without leaving contact information. A hit-and-run is a serious crime, even if no one was hurt. The penalty for

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Personal Injury Questions We Are Asked Everyday

In our everyday practice, we are always asked questions about personal injury cases. Many people have not had prior experience with personal injury cases so they are unaware of the specifics of these actions. In order to give you some background knowledge of personal injury cases, here are the answers to some common questions that we are often asked. Q.

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Filing an SSI Claim for Osteomyelitis

Osteomyelitis refers to infection in a bone and usually affects the long bones in the body – your upper arm bone or your leg bones. It can also affect your pelvis and spine. The condition can be acute or chronic and affects about two out of every 10,000 people in the United States. If you, or a loved one, have

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Social Security Attorneys – Helping You Win Your Claim

Although it isn’t necessary to have a social security lawyer to file and pursue a claim for social security disability benefits, it is a wise idea. According to Social Security Administration’s statistics, claimants who use social security attorneys are more successful in winning their claims than those who don’t. In fact, the United States Supreme Court determined that the assistance

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What the New Jersey Product Liability Act Means for You

Here’s a story for you: Andrew purchases a new hair dryer. When he uses the product, it becomes so hot that it catches fire. Andrew suffers serious burns and loses a few of his belongings in the fire. Can he recover damages? The answer is likely yes, thanks to the New Jersey Product Liability Act. Below, learn more about the

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How To File a Workers’ Comp Claim in New Jersey

Workers’ compensation is a critical resource for anyone injured on the job. It provides an injured worker with an avenue to cover their medical bills. However, the process of filing a claim can be a little tricky. Understanding how to file a workers’ comp claim requires knowing the steps and what can impact the process along the way. Steps To

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