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personal injury lawsuit consultation with attorney

How To File a Personal Injury Lawsuit in New Jersey: A Guide

Despite our efforts to stay safe, accidents happen every day. A commercial truck may collide with your car on your way home from work. You might trip down a broken stairway at a hotel. A neighborhood dog on the loose could severely hurt your child. In many cases, injury victims heal relatively quickly, and insurance covers the costs of the

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man suffering with whiplash injury after car accident

Different Back Injuries from Car Accidents: A Comprehensive Guide

Here’s a common scenario on our New Jersey roads: it’s rush hour, and everyone’s trying to head home as quickly as possible. Suddenly, a car or truck slams into the back of another vehicle. The driver suffers back injuries so serious that they can no longer work. If you can empathize with the victim in this story, you’re probably here

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Immunization vs Vaccination

Immunization means to make someone immune to something. Vaccination, by contrast, according to Dorland’s Medical Dictionary, just means to inject “a suspension of attenuated or killed microorganisms…administered for prevention…or treatment of infectious disease.” Most people do not realize that when you receive a shot or a vaccine it does not mean you are immunized. Many people believe that once you are vaccinated you are completely

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employee reporting wrongdoing to the manager

Reporting Wrongdoing Within a Company in New Jersey

It is nice to think that everyone you work with is ethical and law-abiding, always acting in the best interests of their fellow employees and customers. However, this is not always the case. Occasionally, an employee witnesses processes or actions within their company that are illegal, unethical, and corrupt. Reporting wrongdoing may seem like the best thing to do in

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Lawmakers Searching For A Workers Comp Cure

The worker’s compensation program was established by Congress as the legal guideline and benefit application for injured workers across the nation, but the federal government stopped short of making it a federal oversight operation. Each state was delegated the responsibility to design the workers comp program according to the needs of the state, which has contributed significantly to the confusion

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worker injured in machine accident while working

When To Get a Lawyer for Work Injury Accidents

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 2.8 million nonfatal workplace injuries occur each year, so if you’ve been injured on the job, you’re not alone. The first question someone who’s injured asks is usually whether they should get an attorney. The short answer is that it depends, though it never hurts to call one and explore your options. This

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worker filing up workers compensation form

A Guide to Workers’ Compensation NJ Rules

Have you suffered a head injury or slipped and fallen at work? If so, you’re not alone. In 2022, more than 2.8 million people had to take time away from their jobs due to a work-related injury or illness. Many of those would have been in dire financial straits if not for workers’ compensation. Workers’ comp serves as a lifeline

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how to claim insurance after a bike accident

Navigating Cycling Accident Claims: A Complete Guide

If you were injured in a cycling accident, you have the right to file an insurance claim and potentially a lawsuit against the driver who hit you. When correctly navigated, cycling accident claims can help you recover losses from medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, and suffering. Below, our cycling accident attorneys from Sadaka Law discuss everything you need to

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worst gmo foods

Top 8 Worst GMO Foods

Every day we eat food that is genetically altered. Most people might not be happy with this if they realized exactly what it means. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) Their numbers are increasing in our food supply. It’s important to know how safe they are for the regular consumer. GMO food has had its genetic makeup artificially manipulated. GMOs do not

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Delta Flight Attendants Sickened by Their Uniforms

Flight attendants and other airline workers are exposed to numerous hazards while on the job. Between unruly passengers and other dangers of flying, flight attendants are exposed to quite a bit at work. One would certainly not expect that the uniform that is provided would be a job hazard. Yet that is precisely what is being reported; namely that the

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