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bicycle on a city cycle lane

The Bicyclist Rules of the Road: Your Guide to Biking Safely

Riding a bicycle can be an incredibly enjoyable experience. It’s an excellent way to exercise, enjoy nature, and take a break from the stress of daily life. That said, it’s important to understand the bicyclist rules of the road to stay safe. Should you stay in the rightmost lane while riding? What right-of-way rules do you need to follow? How

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nurse assisting elderly people at nursing home

How and When To Sue a Nursing Home for Negligence

Moving a loved one into a nursing home or assisted living facility is difficult for most families. It requires placing trust in the facility to provide adequate medical treatment and emotional support so that the resident spends their final years in comfort, dignity, and safety. Unfortunately, elder abuse and neglect are prevalent in U.S. assisted living facilities. According to a

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Woman Falls To Her Death Into A Meat Grinder While At Work

In Pennsylvania, a woman working at a meat processing plant was killed on the job when she fell into a meat grinder. The woman was standing at the top of a set of wheeled stairs above the meat grinder when she either fell into it or was somehow drawn into the grinder. The grinder had to be stopped and disassembled,

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What to Do if You Are Involved in a Car Accident at Night?

Did you know that approximately six million collisions happen in the United States each year? Damage to the vehicle is common, but one in three accidents also involve personal injuries, and two out of ten car accidents lead to fatalities. However, many people have no idea where to begin after a collision, especially after hours. If you find yourself in

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Steps to Take After a Car Accident

For the average person, knowing what to do and say after a car accident is about as far from their plans as any important priority can get. Being prepared for a car accident is vitally important, however. When you are facing potential civil and criminal liability, insurance issues, car repairs and injuries, thinking straight and taking the right steps in

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what to do if you crash your bike

What To Do If You Crash Your Bike?

Many New Jersey residents prefer using bicycles as a form of exercise, leisure, and transport. However, regardless of the safety precautions you take, there is always a likelihood of being involved in an accident. Though no one gets on a bike expecting to get in an accident, knowing the steps to take should you be involved in one is essential

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hit and run accident

How to Report a Hit-and-Run Accident: What Should You Do?

It happened in the blink of an eye: Suddenly, you felt the impact as another vehicle slammed into yours. As you struggled to process what happened and if you were injured, you realized the other driver was fleeing, and you watched in disbelief as they sped off. Now what should you do? It may seem unlikely, but hit-and-runs occur more

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man driving using a self driving car

Why Hire a New Jersey Self-Driving Vehicle Accident Attorney

Are self-driving cars safe? Auto manufacturers would like you to believe so. These companies claim that drivers of autonomous cars experience fewer accidents thanks to automatic braking, adaptive cruise control, and other high-tech functions. Despite stringent testing processes, autonomous cars aren’t perfect, and neither are their human drivers. Here’s why you should get in touch with a New Jersey self-driving vehicle

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man driving car wearing headphones

Is it Illegal to Drive with Headphones? What You Should Know

With the advent of wireless technology, cellular phones, and global positioning systems (GPS), it is easier than ever to engage in distracted or dangerous driving. This technology raises the question, “Is it illegal to drive with headphones?” The legality of driving with headphones or talking on the phone depends on state law. States have taken different approaches to this question.

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