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kids playing on floor at daycare

What Parents Should Know About Child Injuries at Daycare

Sadly, child injuries at daycare centers are far too common. It’s heartbreaking to read in the headlines about abuse and neglect occurring at a once-trusted daycare center. At Sadaka Law in Englewood, NJ, we value our family and children just as much as you do. If your child suffered an injury at a daycare facility, our skilled attorneys can help

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man sitting on a motorcycle fastening his helmet

Everything You Need To Know About New Jersey Helmet Laws

Some U.S. states allow motorcyclists to ride without a helmet, but New Jersey isn’t one of them. The Department of Transportation (DOT) has laid out clear New Jersey helmet laws to ensure everyone’s safety and protect motorcycle operators from potentially life-threatening injuries. Wearing a helmet will not only keep you safe but also keep you from paying penalties and fines.

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Hackensack, New Jersey

Why People Love Hackensack, New Jersey

The diverse community of Hackensack, New Jersey has attained an enduring place in popular culture. Today a city of nearly 45,000 residents, the town has experienced a resurgence of growth during recent years. Proximity to New York City Hackensack sits in Bergen County, along the banks of the Hackensack River, just across the water from Teaneck. Many of its residents

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man checking his partner who is electrocuted for vital signs

Main Types of Electrical Injuries Seen in a Court Room

What are the four main types of electrical injuries, and is it worth exploring legal recourse if this happens to you or a loved one? There are a surprising number of situations in New York and New Jersey where a person finds themselves carrying the risk of an electrical injury. In fact, between electrical workers and unsuspecting pedestrians, electrical injuries

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Roundup Herbicide: Is It Really Safe?

It is Spring time and many are preparing their fields for their crops. They spray for weeds, till the ground and plant the seeds. They use a product, Roundup, that has been used since 1974, and never think twice about it potentially hurting their crops. Yet, in a recent plea to the Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, Dr. Don Huber,

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Zimmer Knee Implant Subject To New Investigation

Sen. Grassley sent a letter to Zimmer Holdings requesting documents and other data in response to a recent article in the New York Times. That article contained allegations that Zimmer’s knee replacement device has a high failure rate. Read the New York Times article here. July 29, 2010 Via Electronic Transmission David C. Dvorak President and Chief Executive Officer Zimmer

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The Government Accountability Project

Founded in 1977, The Government Accountability Project is the nation’s leading whistleblower protection and advocacy organization. Located in Washington, D.C., GAP is a nonpartisan, public interest group. In addition to focusing on whistleblower support in our stated program areas, they lead campaigns to enact whistleblower protection laws both domestically and internationally. GAP also conducts an accredited legal clinic for law students,

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National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

Everyone has heard of the risk for having vaccinations. But what happens when they go wrong and you or your loved one ends up sick from it? Can you get help with medical bills, expenses, etc?  The answer may be yes. The Health Resources and Service Administration’s website states that on October 1, 1988, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act

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Mortgage Foreclosure Scams

The possibility of losing your home to foreclosure can be terrifying. The reality that scam artists are preying on the desperate homeowners is equally frightening. Many so-called foreclosure rescue companies or foreclosure assistance firms claim they can help you save your home. Some are brazen enough to offer a money-back guarantee. Unfortunately, once most of these foreclosure fraudsters take your

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Scam Alert: Credit Card Interest Rate Reductions

So imagine getting a phone call from a telemarketer stating that they can reduce your credit card’s interest rate…sounds great doesn’t it? Don’t get your hopes up yet. In an article listed on the Federal Trade Commissions website, dated February 2011, the FTC has issued a Consumer Alert warning regarding this very scam.

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