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The Dangers of Essential Oils for your Kids

Aromatherapy involves the use of essential oils to relieve stress and enhance psychological well-being. The recent surge of interest in aromatherapy means that more and more people are keeping essential oils in their homes. Since essential oils are typically used in vaporizers, diffusers, or hot bathwater, oils are often kept on bathroom or kitchen shelves where they can be easily

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(201) Magazine Discloses the Selection of Mark Sadaka as one of the Top Lawyers in Products Liability in Bergen County, New Jersey.

[x_custom_headline type=”left” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h2″]The Law Offices of Sadaka Associates LLC today proudly announced the selection of its founder, Mr. Mark Sadaka, as one of (201) Magazine’s top lawyers in products liability in Bergen County, New Jersey.[/x_custom_headline] This 2016 selection of Mr. Mark Sadaka by a vote of attorneys to be included in (201) magazine’s top lawyers makes it the second time

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Theranos Facing Consumer Fraud Lawsuits

The news is filled with stories about Theranos and allegations of a major scandal. It’s under federal criminal investigation by the Security and Exchange Commission and the US Attorney’s Office. Consumers have responded by filing fraud lawsuits against Theranos. Let’s talk about the real story on what’s happening and why customers might be filing these lawsuits. Background on Theranos Theranos

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Hazardous Chemicals Found in NJ Drinking Water

In March 2016, significant amounts of 1,4-dioxane, a dangerous chemical and potential carcinogen, were found in over 80 water systems in New Jersey. The chemical was found in areas across the entire state. The chemical 1,4-dioxane is a man-made substance that is used as a solvent and is an ingredient in some varnishes and paint strippers. It can also be

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Johnson & Johnson Facing Class Action Law Suits Over Talcum Powder

There have been serious suspicions for over 40 years that there is a direct relationship between the use of talcum powder products and the development of cancer of the reproductive system, particularly ovarian cancer. While none of the studies have proven the link between the two conclusively, they have not cleared the powder of suspicion, either. The link has been taken

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What is the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program?

Everyone knows the benefits of receiving vaccinations – but what about the side effects? What happens when they go wrong and you or your child gets sick from receiving a routine vaccination? Vaccine injury claims are not like traditional personal injury claims; they require a lawyer admitted to the vaccine court in Washington, DC. Our vaccine injury lawyers have represented

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Learn About Us, Watch Mark Sadaka Explain The Story Behind Sadaka Associates

[x_blockquote cite=”Mark T. Sadaka” type=”left”]When a client chooses to work with us, they’re getting a dedicated partner who will be their advocate during one of the most trying times of their life.[/x_blockquote]Sadaka Associates is a law firm that provides a voice for individuals injured by companies or products. Sadaka helps people who have been exposed to environmental pollutants, prescribed dangerous

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Shoulder Injuries After Vaccination

Have you recently received a vaccination? Are you now experiencing shoulder pain? Your shoulder pain very well could be because of the vaccination. It might be hard to believe, but shoulder injuries caused by the actual administration of a vaccine happens more often than you may think. The U.S. government’s vaccine court compensations people who suffer shoulder injuries related to

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mid america steel drum dangerous chemicals

Hazardous Chemicals Sites Near Schools

Schoolchildren all around the country have been attending classes every day inside buildings that are located in “vulnerability zones.” These “vulnerability zones” are areas that are defined by companies that make or store toxic chemicals. One in three students in the United States attends school in the “vulnerability zone” of a hazardous chemicals facility according the Center for Effective Government

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