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Defective PCB Cleaner Cans Could Cause Eye Injury

A new recall out of Australia, gives a new meaning to the phrase, “You’ll shoot your eye out!” The recall is for an aerosol can that is used to clean circuit boards. The cleaner is called Electrolube Safewash PCB Cleaner, it was manufactured by H K Wentworth Pty Ltd and it was sold nationally through Electrolube distributors from Jan 2009

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CVS Caremark Settles With Feds Over Drug Pricing Allegations

CVS pharmacy is paying big bucks in order to settle claims that the company fraudulently reported prescription drug costs in order to increase its profits. According to The US Department of Justice, Rhode Island-based pharmacy CVS Caremark Corp. has agreed to pay $5.25 million to settle allegations that it reported false information on prescription drug prices to the government’s Medicare

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Infant Tylenol Liver Damage Warning Defective

In a case that has been going on for almost a decade, a family successfully argued that the Johnson & Johnson should have included sufficient warnings about the risk of liver failure with the use of Infant Tylenol. J&J argued that state failure-to-warn claims involving over-the-counter drugs are preempted under a Supreme Court ruling last year that did immune generic

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Black Lung Dramatically On The Rise

What is Black Lung, and is enough being done to protect American miners from the deadly disease?  According to NPR, the answer is no.  Miners are not being protected and they are losing the battle to breathe freely at an alarming rate. Black lung disease is a common name for any lung disease developing from inhaling coal dust. This name

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Stop Using Baby Sleep Positioners

[picture_frame source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”3767″ align=”left”] Unintentional suffocation is the leading cause of injury death for U.S. children younger than 1-year-old according to the CDC,. Avoiding certain products, such as sleep positioners, can help the safety of your child. Sleep positioners were linked to at least 13 deaths in the last 15 years, therefore health officials have issued updated warnings to parents not to use the special

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The Best of 2012, A Year In Review

This article was originally posted on This is the perfect time to take a look back at the year that has come to an end and feel gratitude for all the good fortune that has come my way. Each year since I started my firm the blessings continue to flow. Before We Start… THANK YOU I would like to thank

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Failure To Cleanup Hazardous Lead Risks 1000s

[picture_frame source_type=”url” source_title=”hazardous chemicals” source_value=”” align=”left”] Human exposure to hazardous chemicals is a world-wide problem. In Nigeria, the Nigerian government’s failure to produce promised funding to clean up the worst lead poisoning outbreak in modern history is leaving thousands of children to die or face lifelong disability. Last May, the Nigerian government pledged roughly $5 million to clean up lead

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Is Your Job Linked To Adult Asthma?

 Could your job be affecting your quality of life or your ability to breathe normally? Have you noticed asthmatic symptoms developing as a result of your occupation? As the growing number of asthma patients continue to be diagnosed, some begin wondering what is going on. Are jobs really having an effect on the increase in adult asthma cases? Adult Asthma

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What is Supplemental Security Income?

Reaching retirement age should be a breeze. But unfortunately, not everyone can look forward to a secure retirement, which is why the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program may be something to look into. What is Supplemental Security Income (SSI)? SSI is a separate income from Social Security. It’s a federal program designed to help blind, disabled or elderly individuals financially.

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Poison Help – What To Do and Who To Call

Poisoning can happen in numerous ways. Ingesting a poisonous substance or inhaling dangerous fumes are two common means of poisoning. In some cases, you may not know that a person was exposed to a poisonous substance. It is important to know the signs and symptoms of poisoning as well as what to do if you suspect poisoning of any type.

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