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Social Security Attorneys – Helping You Win Your Claim

Although it isn’t necessary to have a social security lawyer to file and pursue a claim for social security disability benefits, it is a wise idea. According to Social Security Administration’s statistics, claimants who use social security attorneys are more successful in winning their claims than those who don’t. In fact, the United States Supreme Court determined that the assistance

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Bisphenol A (BPA) May Interfere with the Endocrine System

In recent months a chemical found in several common household products has been on the crosshairs of a number of organizations as they have sought, at this point unsuccessfully, to ban a dangerous chemical that has been linked to several adverse health events. The chemical is Bisphenol A or BPA and it is found in bottled waters, plastic packaging, and

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Hepatitis C Outbreak Caused by Negligent Medical Technician

A lab technician accused of starting a Hepatitis C outbreak in New Hampshire is now behind bars charged with infecting 30 patients at Exeter Hospital in New Hampshire with Hepatitis C. But, this is just the tip of the iceberg, as David Kwiatkowski was a traveling technician, therefore his actions could have resulted in hundreds if not thousands of infected

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Antiseptic Products Can Be Contaminated

Anytime you are going to get an injection at a doctor’s office, or your skin is broken in any way for a medical procedure, it is a customary practice to wipe the skin with an antiseptic towel. However, according to Health Day, although antiseptics are meant to keep bacteria and other pathogens from entering the body through breaks in the

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Infant Tylenol Liver Damage Warning Defective

In a case that has been going on for almost a decade, a family successfully argued that the Johnson & Johnson should have included sufficient warnings about the risk of liver failure with the use of Infant Tylenol. J&J argued that state failure-to-warn claims involving over-the-counter drugs are preempted under a Supreme Court ruling last year that did immune generic

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Hospital Staff Members Accused of Neglect and Abuse Causing Personal Injury

One hospital is being investigated into accounts of patient neglect, alleging that from 2005 to 2009 several patients were left for hours sitting in their own feces, food and drink was left out of reach and hygiene was so poor that relatives had to clean toilets themselves. Several nurses and aides that worked for Stafford Hospital are in danger of potentially

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Black Lung Dramatically On The Rise

What is Black Lung, and is enough being done to protect American miners from the deadly disease?  According to NPR, the answer is no.  Miners are not being protected and they are losing the battle to breathe freely at an alarming rate. Black lung disease is a common name for any lung disease developing from inhaling coal dust. This name

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Is Your Job Linked To Adult Asthma?

 Could your job be affecting your quality of life or your ability to breathe normally? Have you noticed asthmatic symptoms developing as a result of your occupation? As the growing number of asthma patients continue to be diagnosed, some begin wondering what is going on. Are jobs really having an effect on the increase in adult asthma cases? Adult Asthma

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