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chemicals in your living room can cause diabetes featured image

Chemicals in Your Living Room Can Cause Diabetes

According to a study from the University of California, Riverside, flame-retardant materials in homes have caused experimental mice and their offspring to develop diabetes. These materials, known as PBDEs, or polybrominated diphenyl ethers, are also linked to adults who develop diabetes. In experimental mice, babies were exposed by their mothers and later developed diabetes. Learning more about PBDEs may help

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what to do when youre involved in a boat accidents

What To Do When You’re Involved In A Speed Boat Accident 

Speed boat accidents involve the captain, the boat, and the passengers. The captain/owner is required to report accidents that occur while operating a boat.  So when you are involved in a boating accident and crash into another ship or object, what do you do now? And if you are a passenger on a boat that is involved in an accident

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a non contact car accident where the car hit a tree

What is a No-Contact Motorcycle Accident?

When most people think of motor vehicle accidents, they think of collisions between two cars. One car makes an error in judgment and hits another car, but that is not the only way an accident can occur, especially when you are on a motorcycle. When careless driving puts bikers at risk and causes you to crash your motorcycle, this is

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man talking to attorney in phone about no fault accident

What Is a No-Fault Accident? How to Tell If It Is One?

No-fault is a type of insurance Though we spend our lives trying to avoid accidents, chances are you have either been involved in one or will be involved in one. Research shows that, on average, Americans are involved in four car accidents in their lifetime. Given the high likelihood of their occurrence, knowing what to do will go a long

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overtime text in a book mark with calculator at the bottom

How to Find An Unpaid Wages Attorney

Has your employer terminated your job or previous position? If your financial security is at stake, there are a few aspects you might want to look for in your chosen counsel before committing to their services. In the sea of attorneys available, choices like The Law Offices of Sadaka Associates present an excellent resource and support structure in dealing with

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covid lawsuit

COVID Vaccine Lawsuit: Can I Sue if Harmed by The Virus?

While COVID vaccines are great for the world, there are still many cases of illness or injury stemming from these injections. If you or a family member encounters critical side effects resulting from a vaccine, you could be eligible to file a COVID vaccine lawsuit. The Law Offices of Sadaka Associates are among the national leaders in defective product lawsuits.

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man asking his lawyer to sue an insurance because of denied claims

Suing an Insurance Company: What To Expect?

It can be stressful when an insurance company denies your claims. Medical bills are often sky-high and can financially cripple your family. If you are unsure why your insurance provider is denying your claim, you may have grounds to sue. With the assistance of a professional law team, you can garner help suing an insurance company. The Law Offices of

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