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motor bike helmet

Motorcycle Accident Without a Helmet: Can You File a Claim in NJ?

While motorcycles do provide riders with plenty of enjoyment and freedom, they also come with a higher level of risk. Their relatively small size means that they are no match for most of the other vehicles on the road. This significantly high risk is why helmets are such a necessity. While wearing a helmet can go a long way in

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worker injured in a workplace

The Most Common Workplace Injuries

Work is the most common place people are injured. The public needs to know that they may have options outside of worker’s compensation. Although you may not be able to sue your employer directly, there maybe a “3rd party” claim available to you. Whether the injury is from a failure of safety equipment or from constant repetitive tasks like carpel

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man talking to attorney in phone about no fault accident

What Is a No-Fault Accident? How to Tell If It Is One?

No-fault is a type of insurance Though we spend our lives trying to avoid accidents, chances are you have either been involved in one or will be involved in one. Research shows that, on average, Americans are involved in four car accidents in their lifetime. Given the high likelihood of their occurrence, knowing what to do will go a long

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couples in the bed of a truck

Is It Legal to Ride in the Bed of a Truck in New Jersey?

You arrive for your first day at work, eager to start. Then your boss loads you and your colleagues onto the back of his truck to drive you to the job site. Is this even legal? What happens if you get injured? The short answer is that if you’re in New Jersey, it is legal to ride in the bed

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what to do if you crash your bike

What To Do If You Crash Your Bike?

Many New Jersey residents prefer using bicycles as a form of exercise, leisure, and transport. However, regardless of the safety precautions you take, there is always a likelihood of being involved in an accident. Though no one gets on a bike expecting to get in an accident, knowing the steps to take should you be involved in one is essential

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a go signal for pedestrian to walk

Which Pedestrians Are Most at Risk for an Accident?

The pedestrians most at risk are adults aged 65 years and older. They accounted for about 17% of the U.S pedestrian deaths in 2021. Other pedestrian groups like children 14 below & impaired people are also high-risk, especially in urban areas. When you’re traveling on a roadway, either as a motorist or pedestrian, it’s important to be aware of all

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a non contact car accident where the car hit a tree

What is a No-Contact Motorcycle Accident?

When most people think of motor vehicle accidents, they think of collisions between two cars. One car makes an error in judgment and hits another car, but that is not the only way an accident can occur, especially when you are on a motorcycle. When careless driving puts bikers at risk and causes you to crash your motorcycle, this is

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