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what to do when involved in a fatal motorcycle accident

What Happens When Someone You Love Is Involved In A Fatal Motorcycle Accident

Losing a loved one in a fatal motorcycle accident is a traumatic experience that nobody ever wants to experience.  Unfortunately, motorcycle accidents are one of the most common types of accidents and be fatal. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, motorcyclists are 27 times more likely to die in an accident than passengers in a car. Motorcyclists don’t

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what to do when youre involved in a boat accidents

What To Do When You’re Involved In A Speed Boat Accident 

Speed boat accidents involve the captain, the boat, and the passengers. The captain/owner is required to report accidents that occur while operating a boat.  So when you are involved in a boating accident and crash into another ship or object, what do you do now? And if you are a passenger on a boat that is involved in an accident

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how frequently are bikes hit by cars

What’s The Risk Of Getting Hit By A Car While Biking?

Bicycling is a great way to get in shape and stay healthy, save on gas money, and help the environment by reducing pollution. But distracted and aggressive drivers make biking a dangerous sport, especially on a busy road. The good news is that severe bike accidents are decreasing due to bike groups advocating for betting infrastructure.  Unfortunately, there’s still a

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chemicals in your living room can cause diabetes featured image

Chemicals in Your Living Room Can Cause Diabetes

According to a study from the University of California, Riverside, flame-retardant materials in homes have caused experimental mice and their offspring to develop diabetes. These materials, known as PBDEs, or polybrominated diphenyl ethers, are also linked to adults who develop diabetes. In experimental mice, babies were exposed by their mothers and later developed diabetes. Learning more about PBDEs may help

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How DuPont May Avoid Paying to Clean Up A Toxic ‘Forever Chemical’

The extent of the PFAS contamination of the country’s drinking water supply is just becoming known. States and environmental watchdogs are beginning to learn exactly how prevalent the problem is through their own testing. Eventually, this may result in a massive cleanup effort, if the problem can even be remediated. The costs of this cleanup should fall on the companies

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NJ Medical Marijuana: State’s Top Court Says Patients Can’t Be Fired

The use of medical marijuana is now legal in many states as there has been an overall trend of liberalization of drug laws in many states. While a handful of states have fully legalized marijuana, New Jersey is not one of them, although medical marijuana is legal in the state. The increasing use of cannabis presents issues when it comes

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How Juul Created a Teen Vaping Epidemic

The recent COVID-19 outbreak has taken nearly all of the media attention from the health crisis caused by vaping, even though vaping is continuing to do serious damage to its users’ lungs.. To refresh your memory, there was a spate of deaths and critical illnesses that resulted from vaping. By February 2020, there were nearly 70 deaths from the mystery

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Homemade Spray Sanitizer Sold at 7-Eleven Badly Burned my Son, Mom Says. Cops Seize Bottles, Issue Warning

Sanitary supply and cleansers are in short supply in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak. Left without sanitizers on store shelves and panicked about keeping disease-free, consumers are scrambling to buy whatever they can to give themselves peace of mind. Unfortunately, fraudsters and other people looking to make a quick buck are preying on vulnerable consumers by selling them slapdash

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