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Hospital Staff Members Accused of Neglect and Abuse Causing Personal Injury

One hospital is being investigated into accounts of patient neglect, alleging that from 2005 to 2009 several patients were left for hours sitting in their own feces, food and drink was left out of reach and hygiene was so poor that relatives had to clean toilets themselves. Several nurses and aides that worked for Stafford Hospital are in danger of potentially

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A Woman Suffered Injuries from a Dog Collar Bought on Amazon: Who’s Liable?

A Pennsylvania woman is blind in one eye after experiencing a mishap involving a dog collar that she bought on Amazon. Her injury brings up issues about product liability when it comes to goods bought through Amazon Marketplace. As of now, it is difficult to hold Amazon liable for goods that third parties sell through its Marketplace. While it seems

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DMAA is a Synthetic Compound, According to the Food and Drug Administration

In the past we have written about the controversial stimulant found in many sports supplements, called dimethylamylamine, better known as DMAA.  We informed you of the dangers of the supplement, as well as how the FDA warned supplement manufacturers to remove products from their product line that contained the stimulant. In the latest news concerning DMAA, a new study found

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Multi-state salmonella outbreak linked to Kellogg’s Honey Smacks cereal, CDC says

Salmonella is a highly infectious disease that can cause all sorts of physical problems. Many people who get infected with this virus will experience many terrible side effects including severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. It’s typically spread via infected water or food. This is why health authorities keep a careful watch over possible sources of contamination. They need to

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N.J. Agency Wants to Reduce Levels of Cancer-Causing Chemical in Drinking Water

New Jersey’s Drinking Water Quality Institute recently proposed a new quality standard that would greatly reduce the presence of a harmful chemical in the water supply. The chemical in question is called PFOA, or perfluorooctanoic acid, and it is one of the most commonly used manufacturing substances in the world. It can be found in waterproof clothing, non-stick cookware, stain-proof

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