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Englewood, NJ Boat Accident Attorney

A boat accident can be devastating for you and your family.

If you’re facing the consequences of a serious boating accident in New Jersey, you may have severe injuries and mounting medical bills. Contacting a personal Englewood boat accident attorney is essential if you want to protect your health and financial interests.

At Sadaka Law, we have years of experience representing personal injury clients in court. If you’re searching for a New Jersey boat accident lawyer that’s committed to helping you in the aftermath of a boating injury, our law office is only a quick phone call away.

Common Causes of Boat Accidents

While boats are fun for leisurely family activities, fishing, and more, they’re much more hazardous than people realize. Whether it’s a high-speed collision, fall, or any other boating-related incident, the resulting injuries can quickly turn serious. So, what are some common causes of boat accidents in New Jersey?

  • Collisions with other boats in a waterway
  • Collisions with docks, trees, sand, underwater objects, or other obstructions
  • Engine fires
  • Individuals operating boats under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Contact with propellers
  • Falling from a boat
  • Capsizing boats
  • Drowning
  • Rough waters impacting boat safety

Many situations can result in boating injuries in New Jersey. Always remain as cautious as possible when using a boat, and make sure you have an experienced captain.

What to Do if You're in a Boat Accident

If you’re in a boat accident, it’s essential to contact emergency services immediately. If you believe you have any injuries, you must ensure that medical professionals assess your health and wellbeing. Brain injuries,broken bones,spinal injuries, severe bruising, and various other problems can result from a boating accident.

It’s also advisable to contact the police in the case of a serious collision or accident. By informing police of your accident’s details, you can ensure that your account is on record with a reliable source. If you choose not to contact the police, another party in the boating accident may be able to change the narrative without you having documented proof of the real account.

If other parties are involved in the boating accident, collect their information, as well. Phone numbers, boat details, and other vital elements are essential to collect and verify.

Lastly, it’s essential to contact an attorney after dealing with the initial aftermath of the incident. By calling Sadaka Associates, you’ll have an experienced attorney by your side to help you seek compensation and negotiate with insurers. When you contact a boat accident lawyer in Englewood, you can rest assured that you’re approaching the aftermath of the incident correctly.

Common Mistakes Individuals Make After Boat Accidents

man signing a informed consent

Many individuals without legal experience make mistakes directly after an accident. By avoiding some common mistakes, you can ensure your health and financial interests are protected. Let’s explore three of the biggest mistakes that individuals make directly after a boating accident:

  • Making Agreements or Signing Waivers: Many people make the mistake of rushing into agreements or waivers with third parties. If someone is pressuring you into waiving your right to claim or asking you to make an agreement before you speak to an attorney, make sure to decline the offer. In many cases, the third party will be interested in protecting their own interests, which can be harmful to you in the future.
  • Not Documenting Details: If you don’t document details with medical evidence, police records, or eyewitness testimony, you might not be able to prove your version of events in court. Always make sure to document evidence and contact emergency assistance.
  • Not Contacting Lawyers Until Late in the Process: By avoiding contacting attorneys, many people make the mistake of underrepresenting themselves. An attorney with experience in boating accidents can guide you in the correct direction.

If you have any additional questions about common mistakes made after boat accidents or other personal injury situations, our team at Sadaka Associates is here to make the process easier. We’re happy to provide advice that can help you proceed with caution.

Hiring an Englewood Boat Accident Lawyer

Regardless of the severity of your boating accident, it’s essential to hire an experienced personal injury attorney to protect your interests. The full consequences of a boating accident may not be apparent in the hours following the incident, so it’s critical to hire an attorney early to help you navigate any potential problems that may arise.

Englewood Boat Accident Attorney FAQs

a boat going to crash because of the big waves

If you have recently been in a boating accident, you might have a few questions about boat accident legal proceedings and attorneys. Let’s explore some of the most common questions we receive about boat accidents:

The answer to this question will depend on the individual circumstances of your boating accident. An attorney will need to assess your case and negotiate with insurers and other parties. If an agreement for compensation and other costs cannot be met, a court may need to decide if you are entitled to any compensation for your boating accident.

Sadaka Associates has more than ten years of experience helping clients with personal injury, vaccine injury, employment disputes, and more.

Yes. In many cases, more than one party can be at fault for a boating accident. As collisions are often the result of multiple mistakes, a court will have to determine the culpability of each party, meaning compensation will be weighted according to each party’s responsibility.

Do you need the services of a Englewood boat accident lawyer? Contact Sadaka Law today to speak with an attorney about your case. We’ll collect the details of your accident and help you determine if you’re eligible for compensation.

By contacting a boat accident lawyer directly after your incident, you can protect your interests and avoid critical mistakes.



Principal & Founder
This article was written by Mark Sadaka, a seasoned trial lawyer in nationally significant cases. He fearlessly champions clients impacted by fatal or severe injuries caused by others or corporations. Renowned for his expertise in complex litigation, he's featured in books, sought after by media for interviews, and a highly sought speaker. Notably, he exclusively represents individuals facing life-changing injuries or substantial financial losses.

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