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to file a claim.

Englewood Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Motorcycles are more than a passion for those who ride them.

Englewood, NJ Motorcycle Accident Attorney

They are a way of life. Unfortunately, motorcycle riders face an increased risk of motorcycle crashes, leading to serious injury, and even traumatic brain injury or death.

Have you or a loved one been involved in a motorcycle accident recently? Did the motorcycle accident leave you facing a mountain of medical expenses, lost wages, and an uncertain financial future?

It is time to seek the legal help of Sadaka Law. One of our Englewood motorcycle accident lawyers can help you put together a strong personal injury claim and fight to recover compensation to take care of your incoming expenses. We’ll discuss some of the most common legal concerns regarding motorcycle accidents in Englewood:

Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

New Jersey is one of the most densely populated areas in the US, resulting in heavy traffic throughout the state. Unfortunately, heavy traffic leads to a large number of traffic accidents, especially motorcycle accidents.

The Law Offices of Sadaka Associates are a national firm formed by Mark Sadaka in 2008, with offices in New York and New Jersey. As motorcycle accident lawyers, our firm has successfully represented thousands of individuals in legal cases involving serious Englewood motorcycle crash accidents.

If you are uncertain why you need legal representation in connection to a motorcycle accident, a personal injury lawyer will help you put together a strong claim by:

  • Obtaining police reports
  • Taking statements from individuals who witnessed the accident
  • Locating and providing photographic evidence of the crash, as well as damage to the vehicles
  • Reviewing the video footage of the accident, if available
  • Hire experts specializing in crash recreation
  • Acquiring traffic light data
  • Communicating with the insurance company of each of the parties involved in the accident
  • Obtaining medical records, as well as bills for medical expenses
  • Collecting and reviewing all relevant computer records

All these tasks can be overwhelming for individuals that are facing a lot of stress after the motorcycle crash. Additionally, by hiring an experienced attorney to handle them, you improve the chances of winning a settlement drastically as a motorcycle accident victim.

How to Choose An Englewood Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Choosing the right motorcycle accident lawyer in Englewood is not an easy task. It is essential to consider the following points:

  • You need a motorcycle accident law firm with plenty of experience in personal injury cases. Hiring an attorney will significantly improve your chances of filing a strong claim and coming out on top in the legal proceedings as you pursue compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and other costs related to serious injuries.
  • Always hire a motorcycle accident lawyer that operates and has offices in Englewood. The familiarity and knowledge of local and state laws and regulations are essential for personal injury cases for injured motorcycle riders.
  • Choose the motorcycle accident lawyer whose compensation stems directly from successfully winning the claim in your name. Do not settle for a Englewood motorcycle accident attorney asking for advances and retainers. Find a law firm that will fight on your behalf and has a vested interest in you winning your injured motorcyclist claim.
  • Make sure that the leading attorneys at the firm, specializing in personal injuries and motorcycle accidents, are handling your case. Do not settle for associates.
  • It is essential that the attorney you hire is available and has time to dedicate to your case. Finding a great lawyer that has no time for you will not help you win the claim.
  • Finally, there must be a personality fit, as well. Make sure to schedule a live meeting and get to know the people that will represent you.

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle riders are more prone to auto accident claims compared to other forms of transportation. A definite list of all causes of motorcycle accidents is enormous, but, in general, motorcycle accidents have roots in one of the following factors:

  • DUI (Driving Under the Influence) or Distracted Driving– It is important to note that drivers who operate a motorcycle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs are open to both civil and criminal charges. Most motorcycle accidents occur due to the negligence of another motorist.
  • Speeding – Speeding is one of the most frequent traffic violations in general. Motorcyclists driving at speeds exceeding the legal limit find it challenging to adjust to obstacles in front of them. A high-speed motorcycle collision can lead motorcycle accident victims to suffer severe injuries.
  • Sudden Braking – Braking at the last moment causes many accidents due to the vehicles following the motorcycle not keeping the required distance, or the instance of braking was too sudden. Many motorcycle riders are injured in a motorcycle accident caused by someone else’s negligence.
  • Unsafe Lane Changes – Busy traffic requires frequent lane changes and total concentration when checking the blind spots during the changing of lanes. Many motorcycle accidents could be avoided if other drivers watched for motorcycle riders.
  • Defective or Malfunctioning Motorcycle Parts – If an accident results in injuries, property damage, or a motorcycle fatalities due to a defective motorcycle parts, manufacturers are accountable for it.
  • Left Turn Accidents – Accidents caused by the mistakes in the right of way or judging the distance of oncoming vehicles when making the left turn.
  • Dangerous Road Conditions – Motorcyclists are in more significant danger of accidents caused by poor road conditions and improper traffic signalization.
  • Running Into Car Doors – Parked automobiles pose a massive hazard to a motorcycle rider if their operators carelessly obstruct the path of an oncoming motorcycle by opening the door. Many motorcycle accident injury victims are injured in accidents that someone else’s negligence caused.
  • Lane Splitting – Some motorcyclists choose to ride between the lanes to get through traffic jams faster. This habit causes many accidents in busy traffic areas. Bear in mind that New Jersey law does not authorize lane splitting, resulting in a citation for failing to keep right.
  • Inexperienced Riders – Riding a motorcycle requires safely requires total concentration and experience in handling. Young or inexperienced riders are a danger to both themselves and other people on the road. If you are a new motorcycle rider and are in a motorcycle crash, an experienced motorcycle accident attorney can help you build your motorcycle accident injury claim case to pursue compensation for serious injuries.

If you or a loved one were recently in a motorcycle accident in Englewood or suffered injuries or loss of life because of one, the best thing you can do is ask for sound legal help and advice during this challenging process. An experienced motorcycle accident attorney from the offices of Sadaka Law can help you manage your motorcycle accident claims with your insurance company or file a wrongful death lawsuit due to fatal motorcycle accidents.

Motorcycle Safety Tips in Englewood

a drivers license application

While riding the motorcycle does expose individuals to additional risks of potential injuries, it is possible to lower the prospect of a motorcycle accident claim by following proven advice and safety tips. It is impossible to control how other motorists behave in traffic. Nonetheless, you should always do your best when it comes to minimizing the risk of accidents as an Englewood motorcycle rider.

  • Make sure to acquire a proper license and quality training for operating a motorcycle before actually riding one. If you lack experience or have taken a long break from riding, you should consider taking a refresher course.
  • Choose the motorcycle that fits your size and body type. Make sure that you are comfortable riding and can easily handle the bike.
  • Never purchase or rent a bike that does not fit your experience and driving skills. Inexperienced drivers need to steer clear of sportbikes and powerful motorcycles.
  • Stay on top of road conditions, weather, and route selection. Riding in bad weather or choosing a congested route with a lot of traffic increase the risk of an accident.
  • Always wear a helmet. It is essential to protect your head. Additional protective gear is welcome, as long as it does not impair your ability to handle the motorcycle.
  • Make yourself and the motorcycle always visible. Reflective details on the motorbike and clothing can save your life when driving at night.
  • Purchase personal injury protection and driver’s liability insurance.
  • Never engage in risky and reckless driving.
  • Do not take any alcohol or drugs if you are planning to ride the motorcycle.
  • Be aware of any potential debris on the roads and avoid even the smallest pieces that might affect your safety.
  • All motor vehicles have blind spots. Large SUVs, trucks, or trailers have large blind spots in which vehicles can easily get lost. Steer away from riding the side rears of such vehicles. Make sure those drivers are always aware of your presence on the road.
  • Make sure that your motorcycle is fully functional before riding. Additionally, make sure that you take the motorcycle for regular servicing and maintenance by professionals.

Common Motorcycle Injuries

Due to the rider’s exposure and lack of protection whenn riding motorcycles, motorcycle accident injuries range from bruises and scratches to severe or potentially fatal injuries. These are the most common injuries associated with motorcycle accidents:

  • Head and Neck Injuries
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Fractures and Broken Bones
  • Rashes, Scratches, Cuts, Bruises, and Lacerations
  • Damage to Muscles and Nerves
  • Lower-Extremity Injuries
  • Internal Bleeding and Organ Damage
  • Disfigurement
  • Biker’s Arm

The outcome of these injuries can negatively affect the quality of life of those involved in them, including a mountain of expenses and medical bills resulting from the treatment of those injuries.

Liability and Damages in Motorcycle Accident Cases

Motorcyclists have an unfairly negative reputation as the ones always being involved or causing traffic accidents. While it is true that motorcycles are more prone to accidents, the assumption that they cause most of the accidents is far from the truth.

Motorcyclists are at a high risk of injuries and death because of other motorists engaging in reckless driving and behavior such as speeding, running red lights, unsafe lane switching, DUI, driving while distracted, etc. It is the role of your motorcycle accident lawyer to collect the necessary information and examine your case in detail to determine all liable parties in the accident and all potential insurance resources.

Proving liability in an accident is possible, as long as you can prove that the other party involved in the accident did all of the following:

  • Owed You a Duty of Care – Duty of Care in motor accidents means that the individual operated the motor vehicle safely and lawfully.
  • Breach of Duty of Care – Providing the proof that the other party engaged in negligent driving that led to the accident in the first place.
  • Caused the Accident – Providing proof that the accident caused injuries and expenses, as well as a negative impact on your health and quality of life.

All motorcyclists have to purchase the same amount of insurance as all the other motorists do, including liability insurance, personal injury protection plan, and the uninsured motorist coverage plan.

Unfortunately, the PIP policy for you purchase might not cover even the initial expenses related to the damages and injuries resulting from the motorcycle accident. If you can prove that the other party caused the accidents and the resulting injuries and damages meet the requirement of a motorcycle accident case, it is possible to obtain compensation by filing a lawsuit.

Motorcycle Accident Statistics

According to the Office of Attorney General of State of New Jersey, motorcyclists are 28 times more likely to die and five times more likely to get injured when involved in a traffic accident. This fact makes motorcyclists the most vulnerable group on the roads. In the five-year-period from 2012 to 2016, there were more than 12,000 motorcycle accidents in New Jersey.

If you are involved in a motorcycle accident in New Jersey, there is an 82% chance that the accident will result in personal injuries. More than 50% of all motorcycle injuries in New Jersey occur at intersections. In nearly two-thirds of all accidents with a motorcyclist, the other motorist failed to see the motorcycle.

When it comes to accidents occurring without the involvement of other motor vehicles, speeding is the primary cause, with more than two-thirds of cases. Around 22% of single-vehicle motorcycle accidents involved inexperienced drivers without proper driving endorsements and licenses. Another 40% of all single-vehicle motorcycle accidents happened during turning and cornering.

Contact an Englewood Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

man calling his attorney after a motorcycle accident

It is best to contact an Englewood motorcycle accident lawyer soon after being involved in a motorcycle accident. There are many cases where victims of an accident try to handle the injuries and expenses coming from them on their own, without involving legal help. But this isn’t the right way of handling these matters.

We understand that no one wants to be involved in legal proceedings and have to pay for expenses. A smart approach is to consider all of the medical costs and other fees you will face in the future when deciding whether to hire legal representation. Those costs will set you back financially and harm your quality of life.

Additionally, New Jersey State laws about victims of motorcycle collisions have a two-year statute of limitations. In some special cases, the victims must file a claim within 90 days of the accident to be eligible for compensation. Do not wait. Give yourself the best chance of putting together a strong suit to get compensated.

If you or a loved one have recently been in a motorcycle accident in Englewood that led to a death or injuries, do not hesitate to contact the Law Offices of Sadaka Associates at 800-810-3457 to find an Englewood motorcycle accident attorney.



Principal & Founder
This article was written by Mark Sadaka, a seasoned trial lawyer in nationally significant cases. He fearlessly champions clients impacted by fatal or severe injuries caused by others or corporations. Renowned for his expertise in complex litigation, he's featured in books, sought after by media for interviews, and a highly sought speaker. Notably, he exclusively represents individuals facing life-changing injuries or substantial financial losses.

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