You have a limited time
to file a claim.

We have handled cases for clients located throughout the country.

We are a premier law firm experienced at handling complex lawsuits.

$ 0


Recovered on behalf
of our clients.



Of combined experience representing people in complex litigation.

0 s

of Injured People

Represented in drug and medical device litigation throughout the country.

“We want to do good things with
the power of law by helping
people one case at a time.”

– Mark T. Sadaka

Class Action



Settlement for Class Action

$1 billion settlement for the AT&T Mobility Wireless Data Services Sales Tax Litigation. Compensation provided for AT&T consumers who were erroneously charged taxes on Internet access. We had the class representatives for New York and New Jersey.

“For years, we battled through all the complexities of a legal system. Our child’s rights were at stake. From the beginning, Mark and Michele, listened intently, validated our concerns, and reassured us every step of the way that we were not alone in this fight. Today, we celebrate the hard-fought victory secured by Sadaka Law Firm. I wholeheartedly recommend Sakada Law Firm without any hesitation.”

– Bree M.

Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Products Liability



Settlement for Pharmaceutical
Products Liability

A groundbreaking settlement yielded
over $4 billion for approximately
47,000 plaintiffs injured by the drug,
Vioxx. Mr. Sadaka held a crucial role
on the Science Subcommittee.



Settlement for Pharmaceutical
Products Liability

$690 million settlement for approximately 8,000 plaintiffs who were injured from the antipsychotic drug, Zyprexa. Mr. Sadaka held a pivotal role on the Science Subcommittee.



Settlement for Pharmaceutical
Products Liability

$647 million settlement for approximately 17,000 plaintiffs who were injured from the antipsychotic drug, Seroquel.



Settlement for Pharmaceutical
Products Liability

$425 million settlement for thousands of women who were injured or died from pulmonary embolisms from the birth control pill, Yaz. Mr. Sadaka held a crucial role on the Science Subcommittee.



Settlement for Pharmaceutical
Products Liability

$184 million settlement for approximately 2,600 plaintiffs who suffered injuries from Kugel Hernia Mesh. Mr. Sadaka held a crucial role on the Science Subcommittee.



Settlement for Pharmaceutical
Products Liability

$68.7 million settlement for thousands of women who were injured or died from pulmonary embolisms from the birth control patch, Ortho Evra. Mr. Sadaka played a pivotal role on the Trial Team and Science Subcommittee.



Settlement for Pharmaceutical
Products Liability

A groundbreaking settlement yielded over $4 billion for approximately 47,000 plaintiffs injured by the drug, Vioxx. Mr. Sadaka held a crucial role
on the Science Subcommittee.



Settlement for Pharmaceutical
Products Liability

$3 million confidential settlement in which a 17-year-old woman suffered a fatal pulmonary embolism after taking a prescription drug manufactured by a prominent pharmaceutical company.



Settlement for Pharmaceutical
Products Liability

$1.7 million confidential settlement in which a 56-year-old executive, husband, and father of two developed and later died of cancer because of a pharmaceutical drug.



Settlement for Pharmaceutical
Products Liability

$875,000.00 confidential settlement for a 63-year-old man who developed a rare disease from a product manufactured by a pharmaceutical company.



Settlement for Pharmaceutical
Products Liability

$875,000.00 confidential settlement for a 63-year-old man who developed a rare disease from a product manufactured by a pharmaceutical company.



Settlement for Medical
Device Liability

$250,000.00 confidential settlement for a 55-year-old woman who development a complication from a defective implanted medical device.

Vaccine Injury



For Vaccine Injury

$5,000,000.00 + recovery for a 42-year-old executive and father of two who suffered Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) after receiving the influenza (flu) vaccine.



For Vaccine Injury

$3,210,000 + recovery for a 4-year-old boy from Georgia who developed dermatomyositis after receiving the MMR vaccine.



For Vaccine Injury

$2,145,459.00 + recovery for a nine-year-old Wisconsin boy who developed Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) after receiving a Hepatitis A vaccine.



For Vaccine Injury

$750,000 + recovery, including an annuity contract, for adult male who suffered from Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) after receiving an influenza (flu) vaccine.



For Vaccine Injury

$682,870.65 recovery for a 56-year-old Texas man who developed Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy or CIDP after receiving influenza (flu) vaccination.



For Vaccine Injury

$500,000.00 + recovery for adult female who suffered from chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) after receiving an influenza (flu) vaccine.



For Vaccine Injury

$310,408 recovery – max death payout available ($250,000.00) – from vaccine-related death and pain and suffering compensation for a 21-year-old woman from Maryland who developed arrhythmia induced by autoantibodies because of Gardasil and caused her to die suddenly and unexpectedly.



For Vaccine Injury

$300,000.00 + total recovery, including $302,064.00 lump sum award, for adult male who suffered from Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) after receiving a tetanus-diphtheria (Tdap) vaccine.



For Vaccine Injury

$250,000.00 recovery for adult male who suffered from brachial neuritis after receiving influenza, Tdap, meningococcal, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, IPV, and MMR vaccines.



For Vaccine Injury

$249,975 recovery which includes lifecare expenses for a 6-month-old infant who developed Evan’s Syndrome, thrombocytopenia, Coombs’ positive hemolytic anemia, pancytopenia, and neutropenia after receiving DTaP, IPV, Hib, pneumococcal conjugate, and rotavirus vaccinations.



For Vaccine Injury

$225,000.00 recovery for minor female who suffered from hair loss, seborrheic dermatitis, and alopecia totalis after receiving Gardasil vaccine.



For Vaccine Injury

$225,000.00 recovery for adult female who suffered from rubella-induced chronic arthritis and Wegener’s granulomatosis after receiving MMR and Tdap vaccines.



For Vaccine Injury

$200,000.00 recovery for adult male who suffered incomplete Brown-Sequard syndrome after receiving an influenza (flu) vaccine.



For Vaccine Injury

$180,690 recovery which includes lifecare expenses for an active 13-year-old girl from Georgia who developed Systemic Lupus Erythematosus or SLE and subsequent sequelae because of receiving Gardasil.



For Vaccine Injury

$175,000.00 recovery for pain and suffering from a future lawyer who developed optic damage to the left eye because of the MMR vaccine.



For Vaccine Injury

$162,056.00 recovery for minor female who suffered from complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) after receiving Gardasil.



For Vaccine Injury

$150,000.00 + recovery for adult female who suffered from atypical Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), and neurogenic bladder after receiving an influenza (flu) vaccine.



For Vaccine Injury

$125,000.00 recovery for a 45-year-old woman from Texas who developed arm and shoulder pain, frozen shoulder, and shoulder rotator cuff tendinosis with impingement syndrome requiring surgery because of the influenza (flu) vaccine.



For Vaccine Injury

$125,000.00 recovery for a minor female from Iowa who developed acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) after receiving Gardasil.



For Vaccine Injury

$92,500.00 recovery for 60-year-old man from Wyoming who developed a vaccine-induced impingement of the sensory distribution of the right axillary nerve, severe pain, and numbness because of receiving the Haemophilus Influenzae type B or Hib vaccine.



For Vaccine Injury

$90,000.00 recovery for a 59-year-old man from North Carolina who developed vaccine-induced brachial neuritis, brachial plexus, and shoulder injury after receiving an influenza (flu) vaccine.



For Vaccine Injury

$85,000.00 recovery for adult female who suffered from brachial neuritis, brachial plexus, and shoulder injury after receiving a tetanus (Tdap) vaccine.



For Vaccine Injury

$85,000.00 recovery for adult male who suffered from shoulder injury after receiving a Tdap vaccine.



For Vaccine Injury

$80,000.00 recovery for a young man from Texas who developed erythema multiforme, including ulcers, blisters, and fatigue after receiving Gardasil.



For Vaccine Injury

$70,000.00 recovery for adult female who suffered from shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA) after receiving a Tdap vaccine.



For Vaccine Injury

$70,000.00 recovery for adult female who suffered from aplastic anemia after receiving Gardasil.



For Vaccine Injury

$60,000.00 recovery for adult female who suffered from brachial neuritis after influenza (flu) vaccine.



For Vaccine Injury

$50,447.00 recovery for adult male who suffered shoulder injury related to vaccine administration after receiving an influenza (flu) vaccine.



For Vaccine Injury

$50,000.00 + recovery for minor male who suffered from opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome (OMS) after receiving Tdap and Hib vaccines.



For Vaccine Injury

$50,000.00 recovery for minor female who suffered from alopecia after receiving an HPV vaccine.



For Vaccine Injury

$45,000.00 recovery for adult male who suffered from Parsonage-Turner Syndrome after Tdap vaccine.



For Vaccine Injury

$40,000.00 recovery for adult female who suffered from myasthenia gravis (muscle weakness and eyelid drooping) after receiving the hepatitis B vaccine.

Personal Injury



For Personal Injury

$900,000.00 recovery for an assault by a bouncer resulting in a closed head injury.



For Personal Injury

$250,000.00 recovery for a trip and fall down the stairs when the hand railing broke resulting in injury to the shoulder and hand.



For Personal Injury

$100,000.00 recovery for a trip and fall down the stairs in poor lighting conditions resulting in injury to the knee.

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