“We want to do good things with
the power of law by helping
people one case at a time.”
– Mark T. Sadaka
$1 billion settlement for the AT&T Mobility Wireless Data Services Sales Tax Litigation. Compensation provided for AT&T consumers who were erroneously charged taxes on Internet access. We had the class representatives for New York and New Jersey.
– Bree M.
A groundbreaking settlement yielded
over $4 billion for approximately
47,000 plaintiffs injured by the drug,
Vioxx. Mr. Sadaka held a crucial role
on the Science Subcommittee.
$690 million settlement for approximately 8,000 plaintiffs who were injured from the antipsychotic drug, Zyprexa. Mr. Sadaka held a pivotal role on the Science Subcommittee.
$647 million settlement for approximately 17,000 plaintiffs who were injured from the antipsychotic drug, Seroquel.
$425 million settlement for thousands of women who were injured or died from pulmonary embolisms from the birth control pill, Yaz. Mr. Sadaka held a crucial role on the Science Subcommittee.
$184 million settlement for approximately 2,600 plaintiffs who suffered injuries from Kugel Hernia Mesh. Mr. Sadaka held a crucial role on the Science Subcommittee.
$68.7 million settlement for thousands of women who were injured or died from pulmonary embolisms from the birth control patch, Ortho Evra. Mr. Sadaka played a pivotal role on the Trial Team and Science Subcommittee.
A groundbreaking settlement yielded over $4 billion for approximately 47,000 plaintiffs injured by the drug, Vioxx. Mr. Sadaka held a crucial role
on the Science Subcommittee.
$3 million confidential settlement in which a 17-year-old woman suffered a fatal pulmonary embolism after taking a prescription drug manufactured by a prominent pharmaceutical company.
$1.7 million confidential settlement in which a 56-year-old executive, husband, and father of two developed and later died of cancer because of a pharmaceutical drug.
$875,000.00 confidential settlement for a 63-year-old man who developed a rare disease from a product manufactured by a pharmaceutical company.
$875,000.00 confidential settlement for a 63-year-old man who developed a rare disease from a product manufactured by a pharmaceutical company.
$250,000.00 confidential settlement for a 55-year-old woman who development a complication from a defective implanted medical device.
$5,000,000.00 + recovery for a 42-year-old executive and father of two who suffered Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) after receiving the influenza (flu) vaccine.
$3,210,000 + recovery for a 4-year-old boy from Georgia who developed dermatomyositis after receiving the MMR vaccine.
$2,145,459.00 + recovery for a nine-year-old Wisconsin boy who developed Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) after receiving a Hepatitis A vaccine.
$750,000 + recovery, including an annuity contract, for adult male who suffered from Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) after receiving an influenza (flu) vaccine.
$682,870.65 recovery for a 56-year-old Texas man who developed Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy or CIDP after receiving influenza (flu) vaccination.
$500,000.00 + recovery for adult female who suffered from chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) after receiving an influenza (flu) vaccine.
$310,408 recovery – max death payout available ($250,000.00) – from vaccine-related death and pain and suffering compensation for a 21-year-old woman from Maryland who developed arrhythmia induced by autoantibodies because of Gardasil and caused her to die suddenly and unexpectedly.
$300,000.00 + total recovery, including $302,064.00 lump sum award, for adult male who suffered from Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) after receiving a tetanus-diphtheria (Tdap) vaccine.
$250,000.00 recovery for adult male who suffered from brachial neuritis after receiving influenza, Tdap, meningococcal, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, IPV, and MMR vaccines.
$249,975 recovery which includes lifecare expenses for a 6-month-old infant who developed Evan’s Syndrome, thrombocytopenia, Coombs’ positive hemolytic anemia, pancytopenia, and neutropenia after receiving DTaP, IPV, Hib, pneumococcal conjugate, and rotavirus vaccinations.
$225,000.00 recovery for minor female who suffered from hair loss, seborrheic dermatitis, and alopecia totalis after receiving Gardasil vaccine.
$225,000.00 recovery for adult female who suffered from rubella-induced chronic arthritis and Wegener’s granulomatosis after receiving MMR and Tdap vaccines.
$200,000.00 recovery for adult male who suffered incomplete Brown-Sequard syndrome after receiving an influenza (flu) vaccine.
$180,690 recovery which includes lifecare expenses for an active 13-year-old girl from Georgia who developed Systemic Lupus Erythematosus or SLE and subsequent sequelae because of receiving Gardasil.
$175,000.00 recovery for pain and suffering from a future lawyer who developed optic damage to the left eye because of the MMR vaccine.
$162,056.00 recovery for minor female who suffered from complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) after receiving Gardasil.
$150,000.00 + recovery for adult female who suffered from atypical Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), and neurogenic bladder after receiving an influenza (flu) vaccine.
$125,000.00 recovery for a 45-year-old woman from Texas who developed arm and shoulder pain, frozen shoulder, and shoulder rotator cuff tendinosis with impingement syndrome requiring surgery because of the influenza (flu) vaccine.
$125,000.00 recovery for a minor female from Iowa who developed acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) after receiving Gardasil.
$92,500.00 recovery for 60-year-old man from Wyoming who developed a vaccine-induced impingement of the sensory distribution of the right axillary nerve, severe pain, and numbness because of receiving the Haemophilus Influenzae type B or Hib vaccine.
$90,000.00 recovery for a 59-year-old man from North Carolina who developed vaccine-induced brachial neuritis, brachial plexus, and shoulder injury after receiving an influenza (flu) vaccine.
$85,000.00 recovery for adult female who suffered from brachial neuritis, brachial plexus, and shoulder injury after receiving a tetanus (Tdap) vaccine.
$85,000.00 recovery for adult male who suffered from shoulder injury after receiving a Tdap vaccine.
$80,000.00 recovery for a young man from Texas who developed erythema multiforme, including ulcers, blisters, and fatigue after receiving Gardasil.
$70,000.00 recovery for adult female who suffered from shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA) after receiving a Tdap vaccine.
$70,000.00 recovery for adult female who suffered from aplastic anemia after receiving Gardasil.
$60,000.00 recovery for adult female who suffered from brachial neuritis after influenza (flu) vaccine.
$50,447.00 recovery for adult male who suffered shoulder injury related to vaccine administration after receiving an influenza (flu) vaccine.
$50,000.00 + recovery for minor male who suffered from opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome (OMS) after receiving Tdap and Hib vaccines.
$50,000.00 recovery for minor female who suffered from alopecia after receiving an HPV vaccine.
$45,000.00 recovery for adult male who suffered from Parsonage-Turner Syndrome after Tdap vaccine.
$40,000.00 recovery for adult female who suffered from myasthenia gravis (muscle weakness and eyelid drooping) after receiving the hepatitis B vaccine.
$900,000.00 recovery for an assault by a bouncer resulting in a closed head injury.
$250,000.00 recovery for a trip and fall down the stairs when the hand railing broke resulting in injury to the shoulder and hand.
$100,000.00 recovery for a trip and fall down the stairs in poor lighting conditions resulting in injury to the knee.
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